Porting Socket Applications to Winsock
This section describes Winsock porting considerations.
There are a limited number of instances where Windows Sockets has diverted from strict adherence to the Berkeley conventions, usually due to implementation difficulties in the Microsoft Windows environment.
When a deviation from Berkeley conventions occurs in Windows Sockets, the deviation is specifically and clearly noted. For example, if a function is specific to Windows Sockets, that deviation is specified with a phrase in the function description similar to the following:
The [function-name] function is a Microsoft-specific extension to the Windows Sockets 2 API.
This section provides information about porting Berkeley (BSD) UNIX socket applications to Winsock:
- Socket Data Type
- Select, FD_SET, and FD_XXX Macros
- Error Codes - errno, h_errno and WSAGetLastError
- Pointers
- Renamed Functions
- Maximum Number of Sockets Supported
- Include Files
- Return Values on Function Failure
- Raw Sockets
- Byte Ordering
- Extended Byte-Order Conversion Routines