IContactManager Interface

Do not use. Used for retrieving a contact, based on a contact ID string.

IContactManager Members

GetContactCollection Returns an IContactCollection object that contains all known contacts.
GetMeContact Retrieves the local user account concept of 'me'.
Initialize Initializes the contact manager with the unique application name and application version being used to manipulate contacts.
Load Loads an IContact object with the data from the contact referenced by the computer-local contact ID.
MergeContactIDs Makes an old Contact ID resolve to the same value as a new Contact ID. Subsequent calls to IContactManager::Load with the old contact ID now loads the new contact ID contact.
SetMeContact Sets the local user account concept of 'me' to specified user.

Interface Information

Stock Implementation wab32.dll version 6.0 or later
Custom Implementation No
Inherits from IUnKnown
Header and IDL files contact.h, icontact.idl
Minimum operating systems Windows Vista