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<message> element of <wsFederationHttpBinding>

Defines the settings for the message-level security for the <wsFederationHttpBinding>.



      <message algorithmSuite="Basic128/Basic192/Basic256/Basic128Rsa15/Basic256Rsa15/TripleDes/TripleDesRsa15/Basic128Sha256/Basic192Sha256/TripleDesSha256/Basic128Sha256Rsa15/Basic192Sha256Rsa15/Basic256Sha256Rsa15/TripleDesSha256Rsa15"
          <add claimType="URI"
               isOptional="Boolean" />
        <issuer address="Uri">
            <add name="String"
                 namespace="String" />
            <certificate encodedValue="String" />
            <certificateReference findValue="String"
                                  x509FindType="System.Security.Cryptography.X509certificates.X509findtype" />
            <dns value="String" />
            <rsa value="String" />
            <servicePrincipalName value="String" />
            <usePrincipalName value="String" />
        <issuerMetadata address="String">
            <add name="String"
                 namespace="String" />
            <certificate encodedValue="String" />
            <certificateReference findValue="String"
                                  X509FindType="System.Security.Cryptography.X509certificates.X509findtype" />
            <dns value="String" />
            <rsa value="String" />
            <servicePrincipalName value="String" />
            <usePrincipalName value="String" />

Attributes and Elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
algorithmSuite Sets the message encryption and key-wrap algorithms. See the "algorithmSuite attribute" table for valid values of this attribute. The default value is Basic256.

This attribute is of type SecurityAlgorithmSuite. These algorithms map to those specified in the Security Policy Language (WS-SecurityPolicy) specification.
issuedKeyType Specifies the type of key to be issued. Valid values include the following:

- SymmetricKey
- PublicKey

The default is SymmetricKey. This attribute is of type SecurityKeyType.
issuedTokenType A string that contains a URI that specifies the type of token to be issued. The default is null.
negotiateServiceCredential A Boolean value that specifies whether the service credential should be exchanged as part of negotiation or is available out of band. The default is true, which means that the service credential is negotiated.

algorithmSuite Attribute

Value Description
Basic128 Use Basic128 encryption, Sha1 for message digest, and Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic192 Use Basic192 encryption, Sha1 for message digest, Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic256 Use Basic256 encryption, Sha1 for message digest, Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic256Rsa15 Use Basic256 for message encryption, Sha1 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
Basic192Rsa15 Use Basic192 for message encryption, Sha1 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
TripleDes Use TripleDes encryption, Sha1 for message digest, Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic128Rsa15 Use Basic128 for message encryption, Sha1 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
TripleDesRsa15 Use TripleDes encryption, Sha1 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
Basic128Sha256 Use Basic128 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic192Sha256 Use Basic192 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic256Sha256 Use Basic256 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
TripleDesSha256 Use TripleDes for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa-oaep-mgf1p for key wrap.
Basic128Sha256Rsa15 Use Basic128 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
Basic192Sha256Rsa15 Use Aes192 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
Basic256Sha256Rsa15 Use Basic256 for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.
TripleDesSha256Rsa15 Use TripleDes for message encryption, Sha256 for message digest and Rsa15 for key wrap.

Child Elements

Element Description
<claimTypeRequirements> Specifies a collection of claim types for this binding. Each element is of type ClaimTypeElement.
issuer Specifies an endpoint that issues a security token. This element is of type IssuedTokenParametersEndpointAddressElement.
issuerMetadata Specifies the endpoint address of the issuer.
<tokenRequestParameters> A collection of token request parameters. Each parameter is an XML element.

Parent Elements

Element Description
<security> Defines the security settings for a binding.

See also