NtQuerySystemInformation function (winternl.h)
[NtQuerySystemInformation may be altered or unavailable in future versions of Windows. Applications should use the alternate functions listed in this topic.]
Retrieves the specified system information.
__kernel_entry NTSTATUS NtQuerySystemInformation(
[in] SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS SystemInformationClass,
[in, out] PVOID SystemInformation,
[in] ULONG SystemInformationLength,
[out, optional] PULONG ReturnLength
[in] SystemInformationClass
One of the values enumerated in SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS, which indicate the kind of system information to be retrieved. These include the following values.
Returns the number of processors in the system in a SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION structure. Use the GetSystemInfo function instead.
Returns a SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION structure that can be used to determine the options being enforced by Code Integrity on the system.
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION structure that can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. Use the CryptGenRandom function instead.
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION structure that can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. Use the CryptGenRandom function instead.
Returns a SYSTEM_KERNEL_VA_SHADOW_INFORMATION structure that can be used to determine the speculation control settings for attacks involving rogue data cache loads (such as CVE-2017-5754).
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_LEAP_SECOND_INFORMATION structure that can be used to enable or disable leap seconds system-wide. This setting will persist even after a reboot of the system.
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION structure that can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. Use the CryptGenRandom function instead.
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structure that can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. Use the CryptGenRandom function instead.
Returns policy information in a SYSTEM_POLICY_INFORMATION structure. Use the SLGetWindowsInformation function instead to obtain policy information.
Returns an array of SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structures, one for each process running in the system.
These structures contain information about the resource usage of each process, including the number of threads and handles used by the process, the peak page-file usage, and the number of memory pages that the process has allocated.
Returns an array of SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structures, one for each processor installed in the system.
Returns a SYSTEM_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure that can be used to determine whether the system requires a kernel transition to retrieve the high-resolution performance counter information through a QueryPerformanceCounter function call.
Returns a SYSTEM_SPECULATION_CONTROL_INFORMATION structure that can be used to determine the speculation control settings for attacks involving branch target injection (such as CVE-2017-5715).
Each SYSTEM_SPECULATION_CONTROL_INFORMATION structure has the following layout:
struct {
ULONG BpbEnabled : 1;
ULONG BpbDisabledSystemPolicy : 1;
ULONG BpbDisabledNoHardwareSupport : 1;
ULONG SpecCtrlEnumerated : 1;
ULONG SpecCmdEnumerated : 1;
ULONG IbrsPresent : 1;
ULONG StibpPresent : 1;
ULONG SmepPresent : 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableAvailable : 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableSupported : 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledSystemWide : 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledKernel : 1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableRequired : 1;
ULONG BpbDisabledKernelToUser : 1;
ULONG SpecCtrlRetpolineEnabled : 1;
ULONG SpecCtrlImportOptimizationEnabled : 1;
ULONG Reserved : 16;
} SpeculationControlFlags;
Flag | Meaning |
BpbEnabled | If TRUE, speculation control features are supported and enabled. |
BpbDisabledSystemPolicy | If TRUE, speculation control features are disabled due to system policy. |
BpbDisabledNoHardwareSupport | If TRUE, speculation control features are disabled due to the absence of hardware support. |
SpecCtrlEnumerated | If TRUE, the i386/AMD64 IA32_SPEC_CTRL MSR is enumerated by hardware. |
SpecCmdEnumerated | If TRUE, the i386/AMD64 IA32_SPEC_CMD MSR is enumerated by hardware. |
IbrsPresent | If TRUE, the i386/AMD64 IBRS MSR is treated as being present. |
StibpPresent | If TRUE, the i386/AMD64 STIBP MSR is present. |
SmepPresent | If TRUE, the SMEP feature is present and enabled. |
SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableAvailable | If TRUE, OS support for SSBD exists. |
SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableSupported | If TRUE, hardware support for SSBD exists. |
SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledSystemWide | If TRUE, SSBD is set systemwide. |
SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledKernel | If TRUE, SSBD is set in kernel. |
SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableRequired | If TRUE, SSBD is needed to prevent speculation attack. |
BpbDisabledKernelToUser | If TRUE, indirect branch prediction is not flushed on every kernel to user transition. |
SpecCtrlRetpolineEnabled | If TRUE, Retpoline is enabled for compatible drivers. |
SpecCtrlImportOptimizationEnabled | If TRUE, Import optimization is enabled. |
Reserved | Reserved flags. |
Returns an opaque SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION structure that can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. Use the CryptGenRandom function instead.
[in, out] SystemInformation
A pointer to a buffer that receives the requested information. The size and structure of this information varies depending on the value of the SystemInformationClass parameter:
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemBasicInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_BASIC_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[24];
PVOID Reserved2[4];
CCHAR NumberOfProcessors;
The NumberOfProcessors member contains the number of processors present in the system. Use GetSystemInfo instead to retrieve this information.
The other members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemCodeIntegrityInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_CODEINTEGRITY_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
ULONG Length;
ULONG CodeIntegrityOptions;
The Length member contains the size of the structure in bytes. This must be set by the caller.
The CodeIntegrityOptions member contains a bitmask to identify code integrity options.
Value | Meaning | |
0x01 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_ENABLED | Enforcement of kernel mode Code Integrity is enabled. |
0x02 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_TESTSIGN | Test signed content is allowed by Code Integrity. |
0x04 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_UMCI_ENABLED | Enforcement of user mode Code Integrity is enabled. |
0x08 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_UMCI_AUDITMODE_ENABLED | Enforcement of user mode Code Integrity is enabled in audit mode. Executables will be allowed to run/load; however, audit events will be recorded. |
User mode binaries being run from certain paths are allowed to run even if they fail code integrity checks.
Exclusion paths are listed in the following registry key in REG_MULTI_SZ format:
0x20 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_TEST_BUILD | The build of Code Integrity is from a test build. |
0x40 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_PREPRODUCTION_BUILD | The build of Code Integrity is from a pre-production build. |
0x80 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_DEBUGMODE_ENABLED | The kernel debugger is attached and Code Integrity may allow unsigned code to load. |
0x100 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_FLIGHT_BUILD | The build of Code Integrity is from a flight build. |
0x200 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_FLIGHTING_ENABLED | Flight signed content is allowed by Code Integrity. Flight signed content is content signed by the Microsoft Development Root Certificate Authority 2014. |
0x400 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_HVCI_KMCI_ENABLED | Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity is enabled for kernel mode components. |
0x800 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_HVCI_KMCI_AUDITMODE_ENABLED | Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity is enabled in audit mode. Audit events will be recorded for kernel mode components that are not compatible with HVCI. This bit can be set whether CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_HVCI_KMCI_ENABLED is set or not. |
0x1000 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_HVCI_KMCI_STRICTMODE_ENABLED | Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity is enabled for kernel mode components, but in strict mode. |
0x2000 | CODEINTEGRITY_OPTION_HVCI_IUM_ENABLED | Hypervisor enforced Code Integrity is enabled with enforcement of Isolated User Mode component signing. |
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemExceptionInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an opaque SYSTEM_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION structure for use in generating an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[16];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the CryptGenRandom function instead to generate cryptographically random data.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemInterruptInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an array that contains as many opaque SYSTEM_INTERRUPT_INFORMATION structures as there are processors (CPUs) installed on the system. Each structure, or the array as a whole, can be used to generate an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[24];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the CryptGenRandom function instead to generate cryptographically random data.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemKernelVaShadowInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_KERNEL_VA_SHADOW_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
struct {
ULONG KvaShadowEnabled:1;
ULONG KvaShadowUserGlobal:1;
ULONG KvaShadowPcid:1;
ULONG KvaShadowInvpcid:1;
ULONG KvaShadowRequired:1;
ULONG KvaShadowRequiredAvailable:1;
ULONG InvalidPteBit:6;
ULONG L1DataCacheFlushSupported:1;
ULONG L1TerminalFaultMitigationPresent:1;
ULONG Reserved:18;
} KvaShadowFlags;
The KvaShadowEnabled indicates whether shadowing is enabled.
The KvaShadowUserGlobal indicates that user/global is enabled.
The KvaShadowPcid indicates whether PCID is enabled.
The KvaShadowInvpcid indicates whether PCID is enabled and whether INVPCID is in use.
The KvaShadowRequired indicates whether the hardware is known to be susceptible to CVE-2017-5754.
The KvaShadowRequiredAvailable indicates whether the KvaShadowRequired field is supported by the operating system.
The InvalidPteBit indicates the physical address bit that is used for invalid page table entries, or zero if not set.
The L1DataCacheFlushSupported indicates whether the hardware supports L1 data cache flushing.
The L1TerminalFaultMitigationPresent indicates whether the operating system supports the L1 terminal fault (CVE-2018-3620) operating system mitigation.
The Reserved member of the structure is reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemLeapSecondInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an opaque SYSTEM_LEAP_SECOND_INFORMATION structure for use in enabling or disabling leap seconds system-wide. This setting will persist even after a reboot of the system. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BOOLEAN Enabled;
ULONG Flags;
The Flags field is reserved for future use.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemLookasideInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an opaque SYSTEM_LOOKASIDE_INFORMATION structure for use in generating an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[32];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the CryptGenRandom function instead to generate cryptographically random data.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemPerformanceInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an opaque SYSTEM_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structure for use in generating an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[312];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the CryptGenRandom function instead to generate cryptographically random data.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemPolicyInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_POLICY_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
PVOID Reserved1[2];
ULONG Reserved2[3];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the SLGetWindowsInformation function instead to obtain policy information.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemProcessInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter contains a SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structure for each process. Each of these structures is immediately followed in memory by one or more SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION structures that provide info for each thread in the preceding process. For more information about SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION, see the section about this structure in this article.
The buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an array that contains as many SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION and SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION structures as there are processes and threads running in the system. This size is specified by the ReturnLength parameter.
Each SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structure has the following layout:
ULONG NextEntryOffset;
ULONG NumberOfThreads;
BYTE Reserved1[48];
KPRIORITY BasePriority;
HANDLE UniqueProcessId;
PVOID Reserved2;
ULONG HandleCount;
ULONG SessionId;
PVOID Reserved3;
SIZE_T PeakVirtualSize;
SIZE_T VirtualSize;
ULONG Reserved4;
SIZE_T PeakWorkingSetSize;
SIZE_T WorkingSetSize;
PVOID Reserved5;
SIZE_T QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
PVOID Reserved6;
SIZE_T QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
SIZE_T PagefileUsage;
SIZE_T PeakPagefileUsage;
SIZE_T PrivatePageCount;
LARGE_INTEGER Reserved7[6];
The start of the next item in the array is the address of the previous item plus the value in the NextEntryOffset member. For the last item in the array, NextEntryOffset is 0.
The NumberOfThreads member contains the number of threads in the process.
The ImageName member contains the process's image name.
The BasePriority member contains the base priority of the process, which is the starting priority for threads created within the associated process.
The UniqueProcessId member contains the process's unique process ID.
The HandleCount member contains the total number of handles being used by the process in question; use GetProcessHandleCount to retrieve this information instead.
The SessionId member contains the session identifier of the process session.
The PeakVirtualSize member contains the peak size, in bytes, of the virtual memory used by the process.
The VirtualSize member contains the current size, in bytes, of virtual memory used by the process.
The PeakWorkingSetSize member contains the peak size, in kilobytes, of the working set of the process.
The QuotaPagedPoolUsage member contains the current quota charged to the process for paged pool usage.
The QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage member contains the current quota charged to the process for nonpaged pool usage.
The PagefileUsage member contains the number of bytes of page file storage in use by the process.
The PeakPagefileUsage member contains the maximum number of bytes of page-file storage used by the process.
The PrivatePageCount member contains the number of memory pages allocated for the use of this process.
You can also retrieve the PeakWorkingSetSize, QuotaPagedPoolUsage, QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage, PagefileUsage, PeakPagefileUsage, and PrivatePageCount information using either the GetProcessMemoryInfo function or the Win32_Process class.
The other members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemProcessInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter contains a SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION structure for each process. Each of these structures is immediately followed in memory by one or more SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION structures that provide info for each thread in the preceding process. For more information about SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION, see the section about this structure in this article. Each SYSTEM_THREAD_INFORMATION structure has the following layout:
LARGE_INTEGER Reserved1[3];
ULONG Reserved2;
PVOID StartAddress;
LONG BasePriority;
ULONG Reserved3;
ULONG ThreadState;
ULONG WaitReason;
The StartAddress member contains the start address of the thread.
The ClientId member contains the ID of the thread and the process owning the thread.
The Priority member contains the dynamic thread priority.
The BasePriority member contains the base thread priority.
The ThreadState member contains the current thread state.
The WaitReason member contains the reason the thread is waiting.
The other members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemProcessorPerformanceInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an array that contains as many SYSTEM_PROCESSOR_PERFORMANCE_INFORMATION structures as there are processors (CPUs) installed in the system. Each structure has the following layout:
typedef struct
LARGE_INTEGER Reserved1[2];
ULONG Reserved2;
The IdleTime member contains the amount of time that the system has been idle, in 100-nanosecond intervals.
The KernelTime member contains the amount of time that the system has spent executing in Kernel mode (including all threads in all processes, on all processors), in 100-nanosecond intervals.
The UserTime member contains the amount of time that the system has spent executing in User mode (including all threads in all processes, on all processors), in 100-nanosecond intervals.
Use GetSystemTimes instead to retrieve this information.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemQueryPerformanceCounterInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
ULONG Version;
The Flags and ValidFlags members are QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_FLAGS structures having the following layout:
union {
struct {
ULONG KernelTransition:1;
ULONG Reserved:31;
The ValidFlags member of the SYSTEM_QUERY_PERFORMANCE_COUNTER_INFORMATION structure indicates which bits of the Flags member contain valid information. If a kernel transition is required, the KernelTransition bit is set in both ValidFlags and Flags. If a kernel transition is not required, the KernelTransition bit is set in ValidFlags and clear in Flags.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemRegistryQuotaInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_REGISTRY_QUOTA_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
ULONG RegistryQuotaAllowed;
ULONG RegistryQuotaUsed;
PVOID Reserved1;
The RegistryQuotaAllowed member contains the maximum size, in bytes, that the Registry can attain on this system.
The RegistryQuotaUsed member contains the current size of the Registry, in bytes.
Use GetSystemRegistryQuota instead to retrieve this information.
The other member of the structure is reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemSpeculationControlInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold a single SYSTEM_SPECULATION_CONTROL_INFORMATION structure having the following layout:
struct {
ULONG BpbEnabled:1;
ULONG BpbDisabledSystemPolicy:1;
ULONG BpbDisabledNoHardwareSupport:1;
ULONG SpecCtrlEnumerated:1;
ULONG SpecCmdEnumerated:1;
ULONG IbrsPresent:1;
ULONG StibpPresent:1;
ULONG SmepPresent:1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableAvailable:1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableSupported:1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledSystemWide:1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledKernel:1;
ULONG SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableRequired:1;
ULONG BpbDisabledKernelToUser:1;
ULONG Reserved:18;
} SpeculationControlFlags;
The BpbEnabled indicates whether speculation control features are supported and enabled.
The BpbDisabledSystemPolicy indicates whether speculation control features are disabled due to system policy.
The BpbDisabledNoHardwareSupport whether speculation control features are disabled due to the absence of hardware support.
The SpecCtrlEnumerated whether the IA32_SPEC_CTRL MSR is enumerated by hardware.
The SpecCmdEnumerated indicates whether the IA32_SPEC_CMD MSR is enumerated by hardware.
The IbrsPresent indicates whether the IBRS MSR is treated as being present.
The StibpPresent indicates whether the STIBP MSR is present.
The SmepPresent indicates whether the SMEP feature is present and enabled.
The SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableAvailable indicates whether the other speculative store bypass disable (SSBD) fields in this data structure are supported by the operating system.
The SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableSupported indicates whether hardware support for SSBD is present.
The SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledSystemWide indicates whether SSBD has been enabled system-wide.
The SpeculativeStoreBypassDisabledKernel indicates whether SSBD has been disabled for kernel-mode.
The SpeculativeStoreBypassDisableRequired indicates whether the hardware is known to be susceptible to speculative store bypass.
The BpbDisabledKernelToUser indicates whether indirect branch prediction is flushed on every to kernel to user transition.
The Reserved member of the structure is reserved for internal use by the operating system.
When the SystemInformationClass parameter is SystemTimeOfDayInformation, the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter should be large enough to hold an opaque SYSTEM_TIMEOFDAY_INFORMATION structure for use in generating an unpredictable seed for a random number generator. For this purpose, the structure has the following layout:
BYTE Reserved1[48];
Individual members of the structure are reserved for internal use by the operating system.
Use the CryptGenRandom function instead to generate cryptographically random data.
[in] SystemInformationLength
The size of the buffer pointed to by the SystemInformation parameter, in bytes.
[out, optional] ReturnLength
An optional pointer to a location where the function writes the actual size
of the information requested. If that size is less than or equal to the
SystemInformationLength parameter, the function copies the information
into the SystemInformation buffer; otherwise, it returns an NTSTATUS
error code and returns in ReturnLength the size of
buffer required to receive the requested information.
Returns an NTSTATUS success or error code.
The forms and significance of NTSTATUS error codes are listed in the Ntstatus.h header file available in the DDK, and are described in the DDK documentation.
The NtQuerySystemInformation function and the structures that it returns are internal to the operating system and subject to change from one release of Windows to another. To maintain the compatibility of your application, it is better to use the alternate functions previously mentioned instead.
If you do use NtQuerySystemInformation, access the function through run-time dynamic linking. This gives your code an opportunity to respond gracefully if the function has been changed or removed from the operating system. Signature changes, however, may not be detectable.
This function has no associated import library. You must use the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions to dynamically link to Ntdll.dll.
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | winternl.h |
Library | ntdll.lib |
DLL | ntdll.dll |