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Controls and Components 

This section explores options for the component developer; touching on several of the primary tasks component models are used to perform and some options available for those tasks. Since this is the presentation section, this section focuses on interacting with visual components.

Using User Interface Controls

Much of the user interface in current applications is composed of basic UI controls. The control classes are at the core of the user's experience with any application because they allow a user to view, select, or enter data or other information. Each type of control has its own set of properties, methods, and events that make it suitable for a particular purpose. You can manipulate controls in the design-time environment, and dynamically modify controls at run time.

Programming Model Documentation Links


System.Windows.Controls (WPF)

Windows Forms Controls

System.Windows.Forms.Control (Forms)

ASP.NET Web Server Controls Overview

Using ASP.NET Mobile Controls


About the DHTML Object Model

DHTML Objects

Windows Controls (Win32)

Customizing Controls

Key to the component model is the ability to customize existing components. Here are links that explain how different technologies approach customization:

Programming Model Documentation Links


Control Customization (WPF)

Developing Custom Windows Forms Controls with the .NET Framework

Customizing ASP.NET Mobile Web Controls for Specific Devices


Subclassing Controls (Win32)

Creating New Controls

The ability to create new user-defined controls that interoperate within existing environments is a key feature of Windows platform extensibility.

Programming Model Documentation Links


Control Authoring (WPF)

Developing Custom Windows Forms Controls with the .NET Framework

Developing Custom ASP.NET Server Controls

Creating New Controls for ASP.NET Mobile Pages