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Initializing and Uninitializing the Data Source Object

The IDBInitialize interface contains two methods: Initialize and Uninitialize. The following sections discuss the implementation of these methods in the sample provider.

Initializing the Data Source Object

Initialize enables consumers to explicitly initialize a data source object. Consumers must set properties on the data source object before attempting to initialize it; and consumers must supply a valid directory path to the data file in IDBProperties::SetProperties. If the directory path is invalid, the sample provider returns an E_FAIL error on initialization. The source code for IDBInitialize::Initialize follows; you can find the complete source code for IDBInitialize in DBInit.cpp.

// CImpIDBInitialize::Initialize ---------------------------------------------
// @mfunc Initializes the DataSource object.. For this provider it requires
// that a valid path is given to where the file will be located.
// @rdesc HRESULT
//      @flag S_OK          | Path exists
//      @flag E_FAIL        | Invalid path
//      @flag E_INVALIDARG  | Invalid Parameters passed in
//      @flag DB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED | Datasource Object already initialized
STDMETHODIMP CImpIDBInitialize::Initialize
    ASSERT( m_pObj );
   CHAR szDataSource[MAX_PATH + MAX_PATH + 1] = {0};
   HRESULT      hr;
   ULONG      cPropSets   = 0;
   DBPROPSET*   rgPropSets = NULL;

   WCHAR* pwszDataSource = NULL;
    int  nPrompt = DBPROMPT_NOPROMPT;
   HWND hWnd = NULL;

   IDBPromptInitialize* pIDBPromptInitialize = NULL;
   IDBProperties*       pIDBProperties         = NULL;

        return ResultFromScode( DB_E_ALREADYINITIALIZED );

   //Setup Properties
   const ULONG   cProperties      = 3;

   const ULONG cPropertyIDSets = 1;
   DBPROPIDSET   rgPropertyIDSets[cPropertyIDSets];
   rgPropertyIDSets[0].guidPropertySet      = DBPROPSET_DBINIT;
   rgPropertyIDSets[0].rgPropertyIDs      = rgProperties;
   rgPropertyIDSets[0].cPropertyIDs      = cProperties;

    //Get the property values
    hr = m_pObj->m_pUtilProp->GetProperties(PROPSET_DSO, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets );
      pwszDataSource   = V_BSTR(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue);
      nPrompt         = V_I2(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[1].vValue);

#ifdef _WIN64
      hWnd         = (HWND)V_I8(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[2].vValue);
      hWnd         = (HWND)V_I4(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[2].vValue);
      //Convert Directory to MBCS
      ConvertToMBCS(pwszDataSource, szDataSource, sizeof(szDataSource));

   // if caller didn't supply a directory path, ask the user
    if ((nPrompt == DBPROMPT_PROMPT) || 
      ((nPrompt == DBPROMPT_COMPLETE || nPrompt == DBPROMPT_COMPLETEREQUIRED) && (!SetCurrentDirectory(szDataSource))) )
       //Use our current DataSource as defaults for properties
      TESTC(hr = QueryInterface(IID_IDBProperties, (void**)&pIDBProperties));
      //Use the Data Links Dialog to prompt...
      TESTC(hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DataLinks, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDBPromptInitialize, (void**)&pIDBPromptInitialize));
      //Free the Previous Properties
      FreeProperties(&cPropSets, &rgPropSets);
      pwszDataSource = NULL;

      //Now Data Links has put the user choosen properties onto our data source, we just need to
      //reobtain the property values...
      hr = m_pObj->m_pUtilProp->GetProperties(PROPSET_DSO, cPropertyIDSets, rgPropertyIDSets, &cPropSets, &rgPropSets );
         pwszDataSource   = V_BSTR(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[0].vValue);
         nPrompt         = V_I2(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[1].vValue);

#ifdef _WIN64
         hWnd         = (HWND)V_I8(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[2].vValue);
         hWnd         = (HWND)V_I4(&rgPropSets[0].rgProperties[2].vValue);
         //Convert Directory to MBCS
         ConvertToMBCS(pwszDataSource, szDataSource, sizeof(szDataSource));

   //NOTE:  We don't require DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE.  If the DataSource property is passed
   //in then we will use that to represent the current directory.  This will allow the user
   //to only have to specify the filename in OpenRowset, and not the full path...
      // Get the current Directory
      CHAR szCurrentDir[MAX_PATH];
      GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_PATH, szCurrentDir );
      //See if the directory passed is valid...
      if(!SetCurrentDirectory( szDataSource ))
         hr = DB_E_ERRORSOCCURRED;
         goto CLEANUP;

      // Restore to the original directory.
      SetCurrentDirectory( szCurrentDir );
      wcsncpy_s( m_pObj->m_wszPath, _countof(m_pObj->m_wszPath ), pwszDataSource, MAX_PATH);
      m_pObj->m_wszPath[0] = wEOL;

   //We are now initialized...
   m_pObj->m_fDSOInitialized = TRUE;
   hr = S_OK;

   FreeProperties(&cPropSets, &rgPropSets);
   return hr;

Uninitializing the Data Source Object

Uninitialize enables consumers to return the data source object to an uninitialized state. It is an error to call IDBInitialize::Uninitialize when there are open sessions or rowsets on the data source object. The source code for IDBInitialize::Uninitialize follows.

// CImpIDBInitialize::Uninitialize ---------------------------------------------
// @mfunc Returns the Data Source Object to an uninitialized state
// @rdesc HRESULT
//      @flag S_OK            | The method succeeded
//      @flag DB_E_OBJECTOPEN | A DBSession object was already created
STDMETHODIMP CImpIDBInitialize::Uninitialize
    assert( m_pObj );

    if (!m_pObj->m_fDSOInitialized)
        // data source object is not initialized; do nothing
        return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
        if (!m_pObj->m_fDBSessionCreated)
            // DSO initialized, but no DBSession has been created.
            // So, reset DSO to uninitialized state
            m_pObj->m_fDSOInitialized = FALSE;
            return ResultFromScode( S_OK );
            // DBSession has already been created; trying to uninit
            // the DSO now is an error
            return ResultFromScode( DB_E_OBJECTOPEN );

See Also


Writing an OLE DB Provider: An Introduction