New Windows SDK Samples

The Windows SDK provides samples for many technology areas. The samples are divided into two groups: .NET Framework samples that use managed code and Win32® samples that primarily use native code.

For late-breaking information about samples, go to Start > All Programs > Microsoft Windows SDK v6.1 > Release Notes.


There are .zip files of .NET Framework samples available in the \Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Samples directory.

In This Section

  • .NET Framework SDK Samples
    Provides samples for managed code solutions using the .NET Framework, Cardspace, Windows Presentation Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, and Windows Workflow Foundation technologies.

  • Windows SDK Samples for Windows Vista
    Provides samples for using features of the Windows operating systems.

  • New to Windows Server 2008 SDK
    Provides samples for using new features of the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems.

See Also


.NET Framework Technologies

ASP.NET Web Applications

Windows Forms in the .NET Framework

Windows Presentation Foundation

Windows Communication Foundation

Building Samples from the Samples Directory