Game Explorer SamplesĀ 

Game Explorer Samples

Note    This documentation is preliminary and is subject to change.

There are two sets of samples that illustrate using the Windows Vista Game Explorer: a sample that is supplied with the Windows SDK, and a set of samples and tools that are supplied with the DirectX SDK.

Windows SDK

One sample is included in the Windows SDK starting with the December 2005 CTP Release.

The GameExplorerAPISample sample illustrates:

  • How to Add, Remove, and Update games in the Game Explorer using the IGameExplorer COM Object
  • List the installed games on the local system via WMI
  • Create a Game Definition File (including the Game Definition File XML Schema)

To access these samples, install the latest Windows SDK, and browse to the following directory:

(Installed Windows SDK Directory)\Samples\Multimedia\GameUX

DirectX SDK

The two samples supplied in the DirectX SDK are targeted specifically toward game development:

  • GDFExampleBinary - Compiles GDF data for multiple languages into a DLL file using a resource script. See GDF Delivery and Localization.
  • GameuxInstallHelper - A DLL can be used with installers to register a game with the Windows Vista Game Explorer and help create Game Explorer tasks. It also supports the Windows XP to Windows Vista upgrade scenario for GDF data. See Windows Game Explorer Integration for more details.

To access these samples in the latest DirectX SDK, launch the DirectX Sample Browser from the DirectX SDK folder in your Start Menu.