Core Audio APIs in Windows Vista
Core Audio APIs in Windows Vista
This documentation provides information about core audio application programming interfaces (APIs) for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems. It provides guidelines for software developers to follow in developing applications that use the core audio APIs in Windows Vista. These APIs are new in Windows Vista and are not available in earlier versions of Windows.
The core audio APIs provide the means for audio applications to access audio endpoint devices such as headphones and microphones. The core audio APIs serve as the foundation for higher-level audio APIs such as Microsoft DirectSound and the Windows multimedia waveXxx functions. Most applications communicate with the higher-level APIs, but some applications with special requirements might need to communicate directly with the core audio APIs.
This documentation includes the following sections.
Section | Description |
About the Windows Core Audio APIs | Provides an overview of the Windows core audio APIs and describes basic concepts. |
Programming Guide | Describes the key features of the core audio APIs and how to use them. |
Programming Reference | Provides C++ reference information for the core audio APIs. |