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IMessengerWindow::Top Property

Deprecated. Sets or retrieves the vertical position of a Messenger window relative to the screen, in pixels.


HRESULT IMessengerWindow::get_Top(LONG *plTop);
HRESULT IMessengerWindow::put_Top(LONG lTop);


  • plTop
    Pointer to a variable of type LONG that receives the vertical screen position of the top edge of the Messenger window in pixels.
  • lTop
    LONG that specifies the vertical screen position of the top edge of the Messenger window in pixels.

Return Value

Returns one of the following values: 

S_OK Success.
RPC_X_NULL_REF_POINTER plTop is a NULL pointer.
E_FAIL Messenger application window or conversation window has been closed either through user action or the method that launched the window.
E_NOTIMPL Cannot be accessed through scripting.


If the Messenger window is minimized, the value retrieved will be a seemingly out-of-range value (>= -32000). This behavior is fairly common in automation APIs. If the Messenger window is closed through API or user action, this method fails to get a value and returns E_FAIL.

If this method is called on the IMessengerWindow interface of the parent application's Messenger window, it returns the top screen position value of the parent application window.

Note  This property is not available for scripting languages.

Important  IMessengerWindow::Top is no longer available in Windows Vista. See Windows Messenger for more information.