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The CMCreateDeviceLinkProfile function creates a device link profile in the format specified by the International Color Consortium in its ICC Profile Format Specification.

BOOL WINAPI CMCreateDeviceLinkProfile(
  LPHPROFILE lpahProfiles,  // array of profiles
  DWORD nProfiles,          // profile array size
  PDWORDpadwIntents,       // array of rendering intents
  DWORDnIntents,           // intent array size
  DWORD dwFlags,            // transform creation flags
  LPBYTE *lpProfileData     // pointer to pointer to buffer


  • lpahProfiles
    Pointer to an array of profile handles.
  • nProfiles
    Specifies the number of profiles in the array.
  • padwIntents
    An array of rendering intents.
  • nIntents
    The number of elements in the array of intents.
  • dwFlags
    Specifies flags to used control creation of the transform. For details, see CMM Transform Creation Flags.
  • lpProfileData
    Pointer to a pointer to a buffer. If successful the function allocates and fills this buffer. The calling application must free this buffer when it is no longer needed. Use the GlobalFree function to free this buffer.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a nonzero value.

If this function fails, the return value is zero. If the function is not successful, the CMM should call SetLastError to set the last error to a valid error value defined in Winerror.h.


Only the Windows default CMM is required to export this function; it is optional for all other CMMs.

If a CMM does not support CMCreateDeviceLinkProfile, Windows uses the default CMM to create a device link profile.

The first and the last profiles in the array must be device profiles. The other profiles can be color space or abstract profiles. Each profile's output color space must be the next profile's input color space.

The calling application must free the buffer allocated by this function and pointed to by the lpProfileData parameter. Use the GlobalFree function to free the buffer.


**  Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista:** Included in Windows 2000 and later.
**  Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 98 and later.
**  Header:** Declared in Wingdi.h.
**  Library:** Use Gdi32.lib.

See Also

Basic Color Management Concepts, Functions, GlobalFree