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SetColorProfileElementReference creates in a specified ICC color profile a new tag which references the same data as an existing tag.

BOOL WINAPI SetColorProfileElementReference(
  HPROFILE hProfile,  TAGTYPE newTag,  TAGTYPE refTag);


  • hProfile
    Specifies a handle to the ICC color profile in question.
  • newTag
    Identifies the new tag to create.
  • refTag
    Identifies the existing tag whose data is to be referenced by the new tag.

Return Values

If this function succeeds, the return value is TRUE.

If this function fails, the return value is FALSE. For extended error information, call GetLastError.


This function will fail if hProfile is not a valid ICC profile.

If newTag already exists or refTag does not exist, SetColorProfileElementReference fails.

If the color profile was not opened with read/write permission, SetColorProfileElementReference fails.

This function does not support Windows Color System (WCS) profiles CAMP, DMP, and GMMP; because profile elements are implicitly associated with and hard coded to ICC tag types and there exist many robust XML parsing libraries.


**  Windows NT/2000/XP/Vista:** Included in Windows 2000 and later.
**  Windows 95/98/Me:** Included in Windows 98 and later.
**  Header:** Declared in Icm.h.
**  Library:** Use Mscms.lib.

See Also

Basic Color Management Concepts, Functions