Command Identifiers
Command identifiers specify an action to take on the given object. Use them with the following methods:
- execCommand
- queryCommandEnabled
- queryCommandIndeterm
- queryCommandState
- queryCommandSupported
- queryCommandValue
Topic | Contents |
IDM_2D_POSITION | Allows absolutely positioned elements to be moved by dragging. |
IDM_ABSOLUTE_POSITION | Sets an element's position property to "absolute." |
IDM_BACKCOLOR | Sets or retrieves the background color of the current selection. |
IDM_BACKGROUNDIMAGECACHE | Caches background image(s). |
IDM_BLOCKDIRLTR | Not supported. |
IDM_BLOCKDIRRTL | Not supported. |
IDM_BLOCKFMT | Sets the current block format tag. |
IDM_BOLD | Toggles the current selection between bold and nonbold. |
IDM_BOOKMARK | Creates a bookmark anchor or retrieves the name of a bookmark anchor for the current selection or insertion point. |
IDM_BROWSEMODE | Not supported. |
IDM_BUTTON | Overwrites a button control on the text selection. |
IDM_CHECKBOX | Overwrites a check box control on the text selection. |
IDM_CLEARAUTHENTICATIONCACHE | Clears all authentication credentials from the cache. Applies only to execCommand. |
IDM_CLEARSELECTION | Clears the current selection. |
IDM_COPY | Copies the current selection to the clipboard. |
IDM_CUT | Copies the current selection to the clipboard and then deletes it. |
IDM_DELETE | Deletes the current selection. |
IDM_DIRLTR | Not supported. |
IDM_DIRRTL | Not supported. |
IDM_DROPDOWNBOX | Overwrites a drop-down selection control on the text selection. |
IDM_DYNSRCPLAY | Not supported. |
IDM_DYNSRCSTOP | Not supported. |
IDM_EDITMODE | Not supported. |
IDM_ENABLE_OBJECT_RESIZING | Enables or disables image resizing (grippers) in editable regions. |
IDM_EXECPRINT | Opens the print dialog box so the user can print the current page. |
IDM_FONTNAME | Sets or retrieves the font for the current selection. |
IDM_FONTSIZE | Sets or retrieves the font size for the current selection. |
IDM_FORECOLOR | Sets or retrieves the foreground (text) color of the current selection. |
IDM_HORIZONTALLINE | Overwrites a horizontal line on the text selection. |
IDM_HYPERLINK | Inserts a hyperlink on the current selection, or displays a dialog box enabling the user to specify a URL to insert as a hyperlink on the current selection. |
IDM_IFRAME | Overwrites an inline frame on the text selection. |
IDM_IMAGE | Overwrites an image on the text selection. |
IDM_INDENT | Increases the indent of the selected text by one indentation increment. |
IDM_INLINEDIRLTR | Not supported. |
IDM_INSERTHTML | Inserts specified HTML at the insertion point, overwriting any text selection |
IDM_INSERTTEXT | Inserts the given text string at the current location (similar to IDM_PASTETEXT behavior). |
IDM_INLINEDIRRTL | Not supported. |
IDM_INSFIELDSET | Overwrites a box on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTBUTTON | Overwrites a button control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTHIDDEN | Inserts a hidden control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTIMAGE | Overwrites an image control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTPASSWORD | Overwrites a password control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTRESET | Overwrites a reset control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTSUBMIT | Overwrites a submit control on the text selection. |
IDM_INSINPUTUPLOAD | Overwrites a file upload control on the text selection. |
IDM_ITALIC | Toggles the current selection between italic and nonitalic. |
IDM_JUSTIFYCENTER | Centers the format block in which the current selection is located. |
IDM_JUSTIFYFULL | Not supported. |
IDM_JUSTIFYLEFT | Left-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located. |
IDM_JUSTIFYNONE | Not supported. |
IDM_JUSTIFYRIGHT | Right-justifies the format block in which the current selection is located. |
IDM_LISTBOX | Overwrites a list box selection control on the text selection. |
IDM_LIVERESIZE | Causes the MSHTML Editor to update an element's appearance continuously during a resizing or moving operation, rather than updating only at the completion of the move or resize. |
IDM_MARQUEE | Overwrites an empty marquee on the text selection. |
IDM_MULTIPLESELECTION | Allows for the selection of more than one site selectable element at a time when the user holds down the SHIFT or CTRL keys. |
IDM_OPEN | Opens a dialog that enables the user to enter a URL and navigate to that URL. |
IDM_ORDERLIST | Toggles the text selection between an ordered list and a normal format block. |
IDM_OUTDENT | Decreases by one increment the indentation of the format block in which the current selection is located. |
IDM_OVERWRITE | Toggles the text-entry mode between insert and overwrite. |
IDM_PARAGRAPH | Overwrites a line break on the text selection. |
IDM_PASTE | Overwrites the contents of the clipboard on the current selection. |
IDM_RADIOBUTTON | Overwrites a radio control on the text selection. |
IDM_REDO | Not supported. |
IDM_REFRESH | Refreshes the current document. |
IDM_REMOVEFORMAT | Removes the formatting tags from the current selection. |
IDM_SAVEAS | Saves the current webpage to a file. |
IDM_SELECTALL | Selects the entire document. |
IDM_SIZETOCONTROL | Not supported. |
IDM_STOP | Not supported. |
IDM_STRIKETHROUGH | Not supported. |
IDM_SUBSCRIPT | Not supported. |
IDM_SUPERSCRIPT | Not supported. |
IDM_TEXTAREA | Overwrites a multiline text input control on the text selection. |
IDM_TEXTBOX | Overwrites a text control on the text selection. |
IDM_UNBOOKMARK | Removes any bookmark from the current selection. |
IDM_UNDERLINE | Toggles the current selection between underlined and not underlined. |
IDM_UNDO | Undo the previous command. |
IDM_UNLINK | Removes any hyperlink from the current selection. |
IDM_UNORDERLIST | Converts the text selection into an ordered list. |