Creating and Sending a Message

Creating and Sending a Message

The following example shows how to create a complete message that contains Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and plain text versions and several attachments, and send it over the network.

Important Storing user names and passwords inside source code can lead to security vulnerabilities in your software. Do not store user names and passwords in your production code.

Dim iMsg as New CDO.Message
Dim iConf as New CDO.Configuration

Dim Flds as ADODB.Fields
Set Flds = iConf.Fields

With Flds
  .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod)       = cdoSendUsingPort
  .Item(cdoSMTPServer)            = ""
  .Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10 ' quick timeout
  .Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate)      = cdoBasic

  ' IMPORTANT: Storing user names and passwords inside source code
  ' can lead to security vulnerabilities in your software. Do not
  ' store user names and passwords in your production code.
  .Item(cdoSendUserName)          = "username"
  .Item(cdoSendPassword)          = "password"

  .Item(cdoURLProxyServer)        = "server:80"
  .Item(cdoURLProxyBypass)        = "<local>"
  .Item(cdoURLGetLatestVersion)   = True
End With

With iMsg
  Set .Configuration = iConf
      .To       = """User A"" <>"
      .From     = """User B"" <>"
      .Subject  = "Hows it going? I've attached my web page"
      .CreateMHTMLBody ""
      .AddAttachment "C:\files\mybook.doc"
End With
#import "d:\program files\common files\system\ado\msado15.dll" no_namespace
#import <cdosys.dll> no_namespace
#include <iostream.h>

void main()
    IMessagePtr   iMsg(__uuidof(Message));
    IBodyPartPtr  iBp;
    IBodyPartsPtr iBps;
    _StreamPtr    Stm;
    _bstr_t       filepath;

    IConfigurationPtr iConf(__uuidof(Configuration));
    FieldsPtr         Flds;
    Flds         =    iConf->Fields;
    Flds->Item[cdoSendUsingMethod]->Value       =
    Flds->Item[cdoSMTPServer]->Value        =
    Flds->Item[cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout]->Value = _variant_t((long)10);
    Flds->Item[cdoSMTPAuthenticate]->Value      = _variant_t(cdoBasic);

    ** IMPORTANT: Storing user names and passwords inside source code
    ** can lead to security vulnerabilities in your software. Do not
    ** store user names and passwords in your production code.

    Flds->Item[cdoSendUserName]->Value          = _variant_t("username");
    Flds->Item[cdoSendPassword]->Value          = _variant_t("password");

    Flds->Item[cdoURLProxyServer]->Value        = _variant_t("server:80");
    Flds->Item[cdoURLProxyBypass]->Value        = _variant_t("<local>");
    Flds->Item[cdoURLGetLatestVersion]->Value   =

    iMsg->To        = "\"Someone\" <>";
    iMsg->From      = "\"Another\" <>";
    iMsg->Subject   = "Here is a subject for the message.";

    ** attach an html file to message
    ** your local path goes in the "path"
    ** variable below
      filepath  = _bstr_t(path) + _bstr_t("\\htmlfile.html");
    catch (_com_error e)

    ** Attach Word 2000 file to message
    try {
      filepath  = _bstr_t(path) + _bstr_t("\\wordfile.doc");
    catch (_com_error e)

    ** Create MTHML body.
    catch (_com_error e)


    // save message
    Stm    = iMsg->GetStream();

Dim iMsg
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Dim iConf
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")

Dim Flds
Set Flds = iConf.Fields

With Flds
  ' assume constants are defined within script file
  .Item(cdoSendUsingMethod)       = 2 ' cdoSendUsingPort
  .Item(cdoSMTPServer)            = ""
  .Item(cdoSMTPConnectionTimeout) = 10 ' quick timeout
  .Item(cdoSMTPAuthenticate)      = cdoBasic
  .Item(cdoSendUserName)          = "username"
  .Item(cdoSendPassword)          = "password"
  .Item(cdoURLProxyServer)        = "server:80"
  .Item(cdoURLProxyBypass)        = "<local>"
  .Item(cdoURLGetLatestVersion)   = True
End With

With iMsg
  Set .Configuration = iConf
      .To       = """User A"" <>"
      .From     = """User B"" <>"
      .Subject  = "Hows it going? I've attached my web page"
      .CreateMHTMLBody ""
      .AddAttachment "C:\files\mybook.doc"
End With