Enumerated Constants in Property Expressions
Applies to:
SQL Server
SSIS Integration Runtime in Azure Data Factory
If property expressions include values from an enumerator member list, the expression must use the numeric value of the enumerator member instead of the friendly name of the member. For example, if an expression sets the LoggingMode property then you must use the numeric value 2 instead of the friendly name Disabled.
This topic lists only the numeric values equivalent to friendly names of enumerators whose members are commonly used in property expressions. The Integration Services object model includes many additional enumerators that you use when you program the object model to build packages programmatically or code custom package elements such as tasks and data flow components.
In addition to the custom properties for packages and package objects, the Properties window in SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) includes a set of properties that are available to packages, tasks, and the Foreach Loop, For Loop, and Sequence containers. The common properties that are set by values from enumerators-ForceExecutionResult, LoggingMode, IsolationLevel, and Transaction Option-are listed in Common Properties section.
The following sections provide information about enumerated constants:
The following tables lists the friendly names and the numeric value equivalents for properties of packages that you set by using values from an enumerator.
PackageType property-Set by using values from the DTSPackageType enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSPackageType | Numeric value |
Default | 0 |
DTSWizard | 1 |
DTSDesigner | 2 |
SQLReplication | 3 |
DTSDesigner100 | 5 |
SQLDBMaint | 6 |
CheckpointUsage property-Set by using values from the DTSCheckpointUsage enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSCheckpointUsage | Numeric value |
Never | 0 |
IfExists | 1 |
Always | 2 |
PackagePriorityClass property-Set by using values from the DTSPriorityClass enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSPriorityClass | Numeric value |
Default | 0 |
AboveNormal | 1 |
Normal | 2 |
BelowNormal | 3 |
Idle | 4 |
ProtectionLevel property-Set by using values from the DTSProtectionLevel enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSProtectionLevel | Numeric value |
DontSaveSensitive | 0 |
EncryptSensitiveWithUserKey | 1 |
EncryptSensitiveWithPassword | 2 |
EncryptAllWithPassword | 3 |
EncryptAllWithUserKey | 4 |
ServerStorage | 5 |
EvalOp property-Set by using values from the DTSPrecedenceEvalOp enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSPrecedenceEvalOp | Numeric value |
Expression | 1 |
Constraint | 2 |
ExpressionAndConstraint | 3 |
ExpressionOrConstraint | 4 |
Value property-Set by using values from the DTSExecResult enumeration.
Friendly Name | Numeric Value |
Success | 0 |
Failure | 1 |
Completion | 2 |
Canceled | 3 |
The Foreach Loop includes a set of enumerators with properties that can be set by property expressions.
Type property-Set by using values from the ADOEnumerationType enumeration.
Friendly name in ADOEnumerationType | Numeric value |
EnumerateTables | 0 |
EnumerateAllRows | 1 |
EnumerateRowsInFirstTable | 2 |
SourceDocumentType, InnerXPathStringSourceType, and OuterXPathStringSourceType properties-Set by using values from the SourceType enumeration.
Friendly name in SourceType | Numeric value |
FileConnection | 0 |
Variable | 1 |
DirectInput | 2 |
EnumerationType property-Set by using values from the EnumerationType enumeration.
Friendly name in EnumerationType | Numeric value |
Navigator | 0 |
Node | 1 |
NodeText | 2 |
ElementCollection | 3 |
InnerElementType property-Set by using values from the InnerElementType enumeration.
Friendly name in InnerElementType | Numeric value |
Navigator | 0 |
Node | 1 |
NodeText | 2 |
Integration Services includes numerous tasks with properties that can be set by property expressions.
SourceType property-Set by using values from the DDLSourceType enumeration.
Friendly name in DDLSourceType | Numeric value |
DirectInput | 0 |
FileConnection | 1 |
Variable | 2 |
DataFileType property-Set by using values from the DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType | Numeric value |
DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_Char | 0 |
DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_Native | 1 |
DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideChar | 2 |
DTSBulkInsert_DataFileType_WideNative | 3 |
ResultSetType property-Set by using values from the ResultSetType enumeration.
Friendly name in ResultSetType | Numeric Value |
ResultSetType_None | 1 |
ResultSetType_SingleRow | 2 |
ResultSetType_Rowset | 3 |
ResultSetType_XML | 4 |
SqlStatementSourceType property-Set by using values from the SqlStatementSourceType enumeration.
Friendly name in SqlStatementSourceType | Numeric Value |
DirectInput | 1 |
FileConnection | 2 |
Variable | 3 |
Operation property-Set by using values from the DTSFileSystemOperation enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSFileSystemOperation | Numeric value |
CopyFile | 0 |
MoveFile | 1 |
DeleteFile | 2 |
RenameFile | 3 |
SetAttributes | 4 |
CreateDirectory | 5 |
CopyDirectory | 6 |
MoveDirectory | 7 |
DeleteDirectory | 8 |
DeleteDirectoryContent | 9 |
Attributes property-Set by using values from the DTSFileSystemAttributes enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSFileSystemAttributes | Numeric value |
Normal | 0 |
Archive | 1 |
Hidden | 2 |
ReadOnly | 4 |
System | 8 |
Operation property-Set by using values from the DTSFTPOp enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSFTPOp | Numeric value |
Send | 0 |
Receive | 1 |
DeleteLocal | 2 |
DeleteRemote | 3 |
MakeDirLocal | 4 |
MakeDirRemote | 5 |
RemoveDirLocal | 6 |
RemoveDirRemote | 7 |
MessageType property-Set by using values from the MQMessageType enumeration.
Friendly name in MQMessageType | Numeric value |
DTSMQMessageType_String | 0 |
DTSMQMessageType_DataFile | 1 |
DTSMQMessageType_Variables | 2 |
DTSMQMessageType_StringMessageToVariable | 3 |
StringCompareType property-Set by using values from the MQStringMessageCompare enumeration.
Friendly name in MQStringMessageCompare | Numeric value |
DTSMQStringMessageCompare_None | 0 |
DTSMQStringMessageCompare_Exact | 1 |
DTSMQStringMessageCompare_IgnoreCase | 2 |
DTSMQStringMessageCompare_Contains | 3 |
TaskType property-Set by using values from the MQType enumeration.
Friendly name in MQType | Numeric value |
DTSMQType_Sender | 0 |
DTSMQType_Receiver | 1 |
MessageSourceType property-Set by using values from the SendMailMessageSourceType enumeration.
Friendly Name in SendMailMessageSourceType | Numeric Value |
DirectInput | 0 |
FileConnection | 1 |
Variable | 2 |
Priority property-Set by using values from the MailPriority enumeration.
Friendly Name in MailPriority | Numeric Value |
High | 1 |
Normal | 3 |
Low | 5 |
Action property-Set by using values from the TransferAction enumeration.
Friendly name in TransferAction | Numeric value |
Copy | 0 |
Move | 1 |
Method property-Set by using values from the TransferMethod enumeration.
Friendly name in TransferMethod | Numeric value |
DatabaseOffline | 0 |
DatabaseOnline | 1 |
IfObjectExists property-Set by using values from the IfObjectExists enumeration.
Friendly Name in IfObjectExists | Numeric value |
FailTask | 0 |
Overwrite | 1 |
Skip | 2 |
IfObjectExists property-Set by using values from the IfObjectExists enumeration.
Friendly Name in IfObjectExists | Numeric value |
FailTask | 0 |
Overwrite | 1 |
Skip | 2 |
IfObjectExists property-Set by using values from the IfObjectExists enumeration.
Friendly name in IfObjectExists | Numeric value |
FailTask | 0 |
Overwrite | 1 |
Skip | 2 |
LoginsToTransfer property-Set by using values from the LoginsToTransfer enumeration.
Friendly name in LoginsToTransfer | Numeric value |
AllLogins | 0 |
SelectedLogins | 1 |
AllLoginsFromSelectedDatabases | 2 |
IfObjectExists property-Set by using values from the IfObjectExists enumeration.
Friendly name in IfObjectExists | Numeric value |
FailTask | 0 |
Overwrite | 1 |
Skip | 2 |
ExistingData property-Set by using values from the ExistingData enumeration.
Friendly name in ExistingData | Numeric Value |
Replace | 0 |
Append | 1 |
OutputType property-Set by using values from the DTSOutputType enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSOutputType | Numeric value |
File | 0 |
Variable | 1 |
OverwriteDestination property-Set by using values from the OverwriteDestination enumeration.
Friendly name in OverwriteDestination | Numeric value |
OverwriteDestination | 0 |
AppendToDestination | 1 |
KeepOriginal | 2 |
OutputType property-Set by using values from the OutputType enumeration.
Friendly name in OutputType | Numeric value |
DataTable | 0 |
PropertyValue | 1 |
PropertyNameAndValue | 2 |
DestinationType property-Set by using values from the DestinationType enumeration.
Friendly name in DestinationType | Numeric value |
FileConnection | 0 |
Variable | 1 |
WqlQuerySourceType property-Set by using values from the QuerySourceType enumeration.
Friendly Name in QuerySourceType | Numeric Value |
FileConnection | 0 |
DirectInput | 1 |
Variable | 2 |
WMI Event Watcher ActionAtEvent property-Set by using values from the ActionAtEvent enumeration.
Friendly Name in ActionAtEvent | Numeric Value |
LogTheEventAndFireDTSEvent | 0 |
LogTheEvent | 1 |
ActionAtTimeout property-Set by using values from the ActionAtTimeout enumeration.
Friendly name in ActionAtTimeout | Numeric value |
LogTimeoutAndFireDTSEvent | 0 |
LogTimeout | 1 |
AfterEvent property-Set by using values from the AfterEvent enumeration.
Friendly name in AfterEvent | Numeric value |
ReturnWithSuccess | 0 |
ReturnWithFailure | 1 |
WatchfortheEventAgain | 2 |
AfterTimeout property-Set by using values from the AfterTimeout enumeration.
Friendly name in AfterTimeout | Numeric value |
ReturnWithSuccess | 0 |
ReturnWithFailure | 1 |
WatchfortheEventAgain | 2 |
WqlQuerySourceType property-Set by using values from the QuerySourceType enumeration.
Friendly name in QuerySourceType | Numeric value |
FileConnection | 0 |
DirectInput | 1 |
Variable | 2 |
OperationType property-Set by using values from the DTSXMLOperation enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLOperation | Numeric value |
Validate | 0 |
XSLT | 1 |
XPATH | 2 |
Merge | 3 |
Diff | 4 |
Patch | 5 |
SourceType, SecondOperandType, and XPathSourceType properties-Set by using values from the DTSXMLSourceType enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLSourceType | Numeric value |
FileConnection | 0 |
Variable | 1 |
DirectInput | 2 |
DestinationType and DiffGramDestinationType properties-Set by using values from the DTSXMLSaveResultTo enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLSaveResultTo | Numeric value |
FileConnection | 0 |
Variable | 1 |
ValidationType property-Set by using values from the DTSXMLValidationType enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLValidationType | Numeric value |
DTD | 0 |
XSD | 1 |
XPathOperation property-Set by using values from the DTSXMLXPathOperation enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLXPathOperation | Numeric Value |
Evaluation | 0 |
Values | 1 |
NodeList | 2 |
DiffOptions property-Set by using values from the DTSXMLDiffOptions enumeration. The options in this enumerator are not mutually exclusive. To use multiple options, provide a comma-separated list of the options to apply.
Friendly name in DTSXMLDiffOptions | Numeric Value |
None | 0 |
IgnoreChildOrder | 1 |
IgnoreComments | 2 |
IgnorePI | 4 |
IgnoreWhitespace | 8 |
IgnoreNamespaces | 16 |
IgnorePrefixes | 32 |
IgnoreXmlDecl | 64 |
IgnoreDtd | 128 |
DiffAlgorithm property-Set by using values from the DTSXMLDiffAlgorithm enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSXMLDiffAlgorithm | Numeric value |
Auto | 0 |
Fast | 1 |
Precise | 2 |
Integration Services includes a set of tasks that perform SQL Server tasks for use in maintenance plans and Integration Services packages.
SQL Server does not support working with these tasks programmatically and programming reference documentation does not include API documentation of these tasks and their enumerators.
All maintenance tasks use the following enumerations to set the specified properties.
DatabaseSelectionType property-Set by using values from the DatabaseSelection enumeration.
Friendly name in DatabaseSelection | Numeric value |
None | 0 |
All | 1 |
System | 2 |
User | 3 |
Specific | 4 |
TableSelectionType property-Set by using values from the TableSelection enumeration.
Friendly name in TableSelection | Numeric value |
None | 0 |
All | 1 |
Specific | 2 |
ObjectTypeSelection property-Set by using values from the ObjectType enumeration.
Friendly name in ObjectType | Numeric value |
Table | 0 |
View | 1 |
TableView | 2 |
DestinationCreationType property-Set by using values from the DestinationType enumeration.
Friendly name in DestinationType | Numeric value |
Auto | 0 |
Manual | 1 |
ExistingBackupsAction property-Set by using values from the ActionForExistingBackups enumeration.
Friendly name in ActionForExistingBackups | Numeric value |
Append | 0 |
Overwrite | 1 |
BackupAction property-Set by using values from the BackupTaskType enumeration. This property works with the BackupIsIncremental property to define the type of backup that the task performs.
Friendly name in BackupTaskType | Numeric value |
Database | 0 |
Files | 1 |
Log | 2 |
BackupDevice property-Set by using values from the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) DeviceType enumeration.
Friendly name in DeviceType | Numeric value |
LogicalDevice | 0 |
Tape | 1 |
File | 2 |
Pipe | 3 |
VirtualDevice | 4 |
FileTypeSelected property-Set by using values from the FileType enumeration.
Friendly name in FileType | Numeric value |
FileBackup | 0 |
FileReport | 1 |
OlderThanTimeUnitType property-Set by using values from the TimeUnitType enumeration.
Friendly Name in TimeUnitType | Numeric Value |
Day | 0 |
Week | 1 |
Month | 2 |
Year | 3 |
UpdateType property-Set by using values from the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) StatisticsTarget enumeration.
Friendly name in StatisticsTarget | Numeric value |
Column | 1 |
Index | 2 |
All | 3 |
Packages, tasks, and the Foreach Loop, For Loop, and Sequence containers can use the following enumerations to set the specified properties.
ForceExecutionResult property-Set by using values from the DTSForcedExecResult enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSForcedExecResult | Numeric value |
None | -1 |
Success | 0 |
Failure | 1 |
Completion | 2 |
IsolationLevel property-Set by the .NET Framework IsolationLevel enumeration. For more information, see the .NET Framework Class Library in the MSDN Library.
LoggingMode property-Set by using values from the DTSLoggingMode enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSLoggingMode | Numeric value |
UseParentSetting | 0 |
Enabled | 1 |
Disabled | 2 |
TransactionOption property-Set by using values from the DTSTransactionOption enumeration.
Friendly name in DTSTransactionOption | Numeric value |
NotSupported | 0 |
Supported | 1 |
Required | 2 |
Add or Change a Property Expression
Use Property Expressions in Packages
Integration Services (SSIS) Packages
Integration Services Containers
Integration Services Tasks
Precedence Constraints