Debug XSLT
This article applies to Visual Studio 2015. If you're looking for the latest Visual Studio documentation, see Visual Studio documentation. We recommend upgrading to the latest version of Visual Studio. Download it here
You can use the Visual Studio debugger to debug XSLT. The debugger supports setting breakpoints, viewing XSLT execution states, and so on. XSLT debugging is available in Visual Studio Professional edition.
How to: Start Debugging XSLT Describes how to start the XSLT debugger.
How to: Use Breakpoints with XSLT Describes how to use breakpoints within a style sheet.
How to: Evaluate an XPath Expression Describes how to evaluate an XPath expression using the QuickWatch dialog box.
Walkthrough: Debug an XSLT Style Sheet Demonstrates how to debug an XSLT style sheet.
XSLT Default Templates Describes how the XSLT debugger handles default templates.
Debugger User Interface (XSLT) Describes the XSLT Debugger windows and dialog boxes.
XSLT Profiler Describes how to access the XSLT Profiler.
Editing XSLT Style Sheets Discusses using the XML Editor to edit style sheets.
Security Considerations when Working with XML Data Discusses security issues that you need to know about when working the XML Editor or the XSLT debugger.
Debugging in Visual Studio Introduces the Visual Studio debugger.
XSLT Reference Provides reference material for XSLT elements and functions.