C++ Language (How Do I in Visual C++ Express) 

This page links to help on tasks related to the Visual C++ language using Visual C++. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I in Visual C++ Express.

Differences from Managed Extensions for C++

Visual C++ Examples


  • How to: Sort Arrays
    Demonstrates how to use the Sort method to sort the elements of an array.

Boxing and Casting

Data Types and Interfaces


Events and Delegates


  • finally
    Discusses the CLR exception handling finally clause.

For Each


  • Generic Functions
    Discusses generic functions, a function that is declared with type parameters.
  • Constraints
    Describes that constraints are a requirement that types used as type arguments must satisfy.



  • How to: Use Simple Properties
    Demonstrates that for simple properties—those that merely assign and retrieve a private data member—it is not necessary to explicitly define the get and set accessor functions.

Tracking References

File Handling with Visual C++

  • How to: Retrieve File Information
    Demonstrates the FileInfo class. When you have the name of a file, you can use this class to retrieve information about the file such as the file size, directory, full name, and date and time of creation and of the last modification.

Windows Operations with Visual C++

See Also


How Do I in Visual C++ Express