Data Access (How Do I in Visual C+)

This page links to help on tasks related to data access using Visual C++. To view other categories of popular tasks covered in Help, see How Do I in Visual C++.


  • Data Access Programming
    Describes the several ways to work with databases.

  • Installing Database Support
    Describes the database components that are installed automatically with Visual C++.

  • Record (Data Access)
    Describes a record, a collection of data about a single entity, such as an account or a customer, stored in a table (a row of the table).

  • Schema (Data Access)
    Describes how a database schema describes the current structure of the tables and database views in the database.

  • Catalog Information
    Describes what information can be stored in a table in a data source, such as the names of tables and the columns in them, table privileges, names of primary and foreign keys, information about predefined queries or stored procedures, information about indexes on tables, and statistics about tables.

  • Transactions
    Describes transactions, a series of operations performed on a database.

  • Record Views
    Describes the classes that MFC provides to access record views.

  • Data Access Frequently Asked Questions
    Provides answers to the most frequently asked questions about data access.





See Also


How Do I in Visual C++

Other Resources