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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization
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This section contains the Visual Basic error messages that occur at run time.
<address> is not a valid remote file address
A delimiter cannot be Nothing or an empty String
A double quote is not a valid comment token for delimited fields where EscapeQuote is set to True
A log has already been created with this name on this machine
A startup form has not been specified
Add failed. Duplicate key value supplied
All field widths, except the last element, must be greater than zero
An invalid name was specified for the event log
Another event log has already registered a source with this name
Application-defined or object-defined error
Argument '<argument1>' must be less than or equal to the length of argument '<argument2>'
Argument '<argumentname>' cannot be a multidimensional array
Argument <argumentname> cannot be an empty string or Nothing
Argument '<argumentname>' cannot be converted to a numeric value
Argument '<argumentname>' cannot be converted to type '<typename>'
Argument '<argumentname>' cannot be converted to type 'Date'
Argument '<argumentname>' is not a valid value
Argument '<argumentname>' is not valid for the array
Argument '<argumentname>' is Nothing
Argument '<argumentname>' is Nothing or empty
Argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than 0 or equal to -1
Argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than or equal to 1
Argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than or equal to -1
Argument <argumentname> must be greater than or equal to zero
Argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than or equal to zero
Argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than zero
Argument '<argumentname>' must be in the range of -32768 to 65535
Argument '<argumentname>' must be within the range 0 to 99
Argument '<argumentname>' must be within the range 1 to 255
Argument '<argumentname1>' must be less than or equal the length of argument '<argumentname2>'
Argument BasePath must be a path to a folder
Argument cannot be an empty string
Argument cannot be less than zero
Argument 'Conversion' is not valid
Argument 'Life' cannot be zero
Argument not optional (Visual Basic)
Argument 'NPer' must be greater than zero
Argument 'Path' is Nothing or empty
Argument 'Period' must be less than or equal to argument 'Life'
Argument value '<pathname>' contains characters that are not valid in a path name
Array dimensions do not match those specified in the 'VBFixedArray' attribute
Automation object does not have a default value
BaseLogName cannot be Nothing or an empty String
BaudRate must be greater than 0
'Before' and 'After' arguments cannot be combined
Cannot calculate number of periods using the arguments provided
Cannot calculate rate using the arguments provided
Cannot call friend function on object which is not an instance of defining class
Cannot convert argument '<argumentname>' of type '<type1>' to type '<type2>'
Cannot convert start value of type '<type1>' and step value of type '<type2>' to a common type
Cannot create ActiveX Component
Cannot determine array type because it is Nothing
Cannot rename with different drive
Can't create necessary temporary file
Can't perform requested operation (Visual Basic)
Cast from string "<string>" to type '<typename>' is not valid
Cast from type '<typename1>' to type '<typename2>' is not valid
Class '<classname>' does not implement the System.Collections.ICollection interface
Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface
Class not registered on local machine
Collection index must be in the range 1 to the size of the collection
Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost
Could not complete operation since target directory is under source directory
Could not obtain full operation system name due to internal error
Could not obtain memory information due to internal error
DataBits must be greater than 0
'Dir' function must first be called with a 'PathName' argument
Division by zero (Visual Basic Error)
Division by zero (Visual Basic Run-Time Error)
Encoding cannot be set to Nothing
Error in loading DLL (Visual Basic)
Error number must be within the range 0 and 65535
Expression '<name>' is not a procedure, but occurs as the target of a procedure call
Field '<fieldname>' of type '<typename>' is 'ReadOnly'
File '<filename>' cannot be deleted because it is open
File '<filename>' is write protected
File I/O of a structure with field '<fieldname>' of type '<typename>' is not valid
File I/O with type '<typename>' is not valid
File information cannot be queried if the file does not exist
File information cannot be queried while open for writing
File is too large to read into a byte array
File name or class name not found during Automation operation (Visual Basic)
File not found (Visual Basic Run-Time Error)
File specified by FileName does not use the encoding specified by FileEncoding
File specified in FileName is not a valid XML file
File's open mode wasn't set to a valid value
For loop not initialized (Visual Basic)
Format not valid in resource file
Get not supported (write-only property)
Implicit reference to object under construction is not valid when calling another constructor
Insufficient security permissions to set the system date
Insufficient security permissions to set the system time
Internal error happened at <location>
Internal error in the Microsoft Visual Basic runtime
Key cannot be deleted because it has subkeys
Length of argument '<argumentname>' must be greater than zero
Line <number> cannot be parsed using the current Delimiters
Line <number> cannot be parsed using the current FieldWidths
Line <number> cannot be read because it exceeds the maximum line size.
Locale ID '<name>' is not supported on this system
Loop control variable of type '<typename>' does not implement the 'System.IComparable' interface
Managed classes derived from a COM class cannot be called late-bound.
Method '<methodname>' cannot be called with <number> arguments
Method '<methodname>' has no parameter named '<parametername>'
Method or data member not found
Named argument '<argumentname>' specified multiple times
Named argument not found (Visual Basic)
Named arguments cannot match ParamArray parameters
No accessible overloaded '<methodname>' can be called with these arguments: <list>
No default member found for type '<typename>'
No files found matching '<filename>'
No method '<methodname>' can accept an argument of type '<typename>' for parameter '<parametername>'
NumberOfChars must be greater than zero
Object doesn't support current locale setting (Visual Basic)
Object doesn't support named arguments
Object doesn't support this action (Visual Basic)
Object doesn't support this property or method (Visual Basic)
Object or class does not support the set of events
Object variable or With block variable not set
One or more folders in the target path do not exist
Only the first eight characters of a custom log name are significant
Operator is not valid for '<name1>' and '<name2>'
Operator is not valid for type '<typename>'
Out of memory (Visual Basic Run-Time Error)
Out of stack space (Visual Basic)
Out of string space (Visual Basic)
Overflow (Visual Basic Run-Time Error)
Permission denied (Visual Basic)
Procedure call or argument is not valid (Visual Basic)
Process '<processname>' was not found
Property <propertyname> cannot be set to an empty string or Nothing
Property <propertyname> cannot be set to Nothing
Property array index is not valid
Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an object
Public member '<membername>' on type '<typename>' not found
'ReDim' can only change the right-most dimension
'ReDim' cannot change the number of dimensions
'ReDim' Preserve operand cannot be Nothing
Registry key '<keyname>' could not be created
Registry key '<keyname>' could not be found
Set not supported (read-only property)
SimplifiedChinese and VbStrConv.TraditionalChinese cannot be combined
Some files and folders caused exceptions during the operation
Some subkeys cannot be deleted
Source folder and target folder are the same
Specified DLL function not found
Specified event log does not exist on this machine
Specified registry key does not exist
Specified registry key is not valid because it contains two or more consecutive backslashes
Specified registry path does not start with a valid hive name
'StrConv.LinguisticCasing' requires 'StrConv.LowerCase' or 'StrConv.UpperCase'
String length exceeds maximum length of 32767 characters for 'FileSystem' APIs
Sub or Function not defined (Visual Basic)
Subscript out of range (Visual Basic)
System event log cannot be deleted
TargetFilePath specifies an existing folder
TextFieldParser does not support comment tokens that contain white space
TextFieldParser does not support delimiters that contain endline characters
The address for UploadFile needs to include a filename
The ConnectionTimeout must be greater than 0
The file is currently open for reading
The file is currently open for writing
The folder cannot be created since a file already exists with the same path
The input path refers to a file but ends with a directory separator character
The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable (Visual Basic)
The source folder does not exist
The specified path does not exist
The stream passed to TextFieldParser cannot be read
The value of <argumentname> must be a positive number
The value of <argumentname> must be greater than or equal to 1000
This array is fixed or temporarily locked (Visual Basic)
This key is already associated with an element of this collection
This operation can only be done when the File is closed
This single-instance application could not connect to the original instance
This system does not contain support for the Japanese locale
This system does not contain support for the Locale specified
This system does not contain support for the SimplifiedChinese locale
This system does not contain support for the Traditional Chinese locale
Too many DLL application clients
Type of argument '<argumentname>' is '<typename>', which is not numeric
Unable to get serial port names because of an internal system error
Unable to obtain a stream for the log
Unable to ping because a network connection is not available
Unable to read delimited fields because Delimiters is Nothing or empty
Unable to read fixed width fields because FieldWidths is Nothing or empty
Unable to write to log file because writing to it would cause it to exceed MaximumSize value
Use 'FileGetObject' instead of 'FileGet' when using argument of type 'Object'
Use 'FilePutObject' instead of 'FilePut' when using argument of type 'Object'
Use of Default Instance of a class in the class constructor could lead to infinite recursive call
Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic
VbStrConv.Wide and VbStrConv.Narrow are not applicable to the locale specified
VbStrConv.Wide and VbStrConv.Narrow cannot be combined
Wrong number of arguments or property assignment not valid
You must specify a path that is under the current folder or one of its sub-folders
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Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization - Training
Use advance techniques in canvas apps to perform custom updates and optimization