Enumerations (Unmanaged API Reference)
Contains links to reference topics for frequently used unmanaged enumerations.
Contains values that indicate the source of an IAssemblyCacheItem.
Contains flag values that can be passed as a parameter to IAssemblyName::IsEqual.
Contains flag values to pass to IAssemblyName::GetDisplayName.
Represents flags that can be used as parameters for methods of IAssemblyName.
- AssemblyComparisonResult
Used by the CompareAssemblyIdentity function to clarify the determination of whether two assembly identities are equivalent.
- AssemblyFlags
Contains values that describe run-time features of an assembly.
- AssemblyRefFlags
Contains values that describe features of an assembly reference.
- BindingDisplayImageType
Contains values that describe the type of image to be displayed with the current object.
- CLRDataEnumMemoryFlags
Contains values that indicate which memory regions a call to ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions::EnumMemoryRegions should include.
Contains values that indicate how the common language runtime should resolve a CLSID.
Specifies constants used by CoInitializeEE when initializing the common language runtime.
Contains values used to describe the result of a cached function search.
Contains values used to describe the result of a cached function search.
Contains constant values used in special situations.
Contains values used to describe the reason for a suspension of common language runtime code execution.
Contains values used to describe a transition from managed to unmanaged code, or vice versa.
Contains the supported value COR_PUB_MANAGEDONLY.
- CorArgType
Contains values that describe the native type of a runtime handle.
- CorAssemblyFlags
Contains values that describe the metadata applied to an assembly compilation.
- CorAttributeTargets
Contains flag values that indicate the kinds of objects to which custom attributes are applied.
- CorCallingConvention
Contains values that describe the types of calling conventions that are made in managed code.
- CorCheckDuplicatesFor
Contains values used during checks for duplications.
- CorDebugChainReason
Contains values that indicate the reason or reasons for the initiation of a call chain.
- CorDebugCreateProcessFlags
Contains the only supported flag value that can be used in a call to ICorDebug::CreateProcess.
- CorDebugExceptionCallbackType
Provides values that indicate the type of callback being made from an ICorDebugManagedCallback2::Exception event.
- CorDebugExceptionFlags
Contains the supported flag value for an exception that can be intercepted.
- CorDebugExceptionUnwindCallbackType
Contains values that describe the conditions under which ICorDebugManagedCallback2::ExceptionUnwind was called.
- CorDebugHandleType
Contains values that describe a handle type. A strong handle keeps an object alive, whereas a weak handle does not.
- CorDebugIlToNativeMappingTypes
Provides values used in the ilOffset field of an instance of the COR_DEBUG_IL_TO_NATIVE_MAP structure to indicate that the range of native instructions represented by that instance corresponds to a special code region.
- CorDebugInterfaceVersion
Contains values that specify the .NET Framework version (and the corresponding version of Cordebug.idl) in which the similarly named interface was declared.
- CorDebugIntercept
Provides flag values that describe types of code that can be stepped through.
- CorDebugInternalFrameType
Contains values that identify the type of stack frame. ICorDebugInternalFrame::GetFrameType takes an out parameter of type CorDebugInternalFrameType.
- CorDebugJITCompilerFlags
Contains values that influence the behavior of the managed just-in-time compiler.
- CorDebugMappingResult
Contains flag values that describe the outcome of the mapping operation.
- CorDebugMDAFlags
Contains the supported value that indicates the call stack of the thread that contains the managed debugging assistant (MDA) no longer describes exactly where the MDA was originally raised.
- CorDebugRegister
Contains values that represent the registers associated with a given processor architecture.
- CorDebugStepReason
Provides values that indicate the outcome of an individual step.
- CorDebugThreadState
Contains values that a debugger can use to determine whether to allow a thread to continue execution of code.
- CorDebugUnmappedStop
Contains values that represent the types of code that can trigger a halt in code execution.
- CorDebugUserState
Contains flag values that describe the condition of a thread. ICorDebugThread::GetUserState returns an out parameter of type CorDebugUserState.
- CorDeclSecurity
Contains values that describe the types of declarative security used by the common language runtime.
- CorElementType
Contains values that describe the underlying native type of a common language runtime Type.
- CorErrorIfEmitOutOfOrder
Contains flag values that indicate the conditions under which an error message should be generated when metadata is emitted out of order.
- CorEventAttr
Contains values that describe the metadata of an event.
- CorFieldAttr
Contains values that describe metadata about a field.
- CorFileFlags
Contains values that describe the type of file defined in a call to IMetaDataAssemblyEmit::DefineFile.
- CorGenericParamAttr
Contains values that describe the Type parameters for generic types, as used in calls to IMetaDataEmit2::DefineGenericParam.
- CorImportOptions
Contains flag values that control the behavior during importation of an assembly outside the current scope.
- CorManifestResourceFlags
Contains values that describe the visibility of resources encoded in an assembly manifest.
- CorMethodAttr
Contains values that describe metadata about a method.
- CorMethodImpl
Contains values that describe method implementation features.
- CorMethodSemanticsAttr
Contains values that describe the relationship between a method and an associated property or event.
- CorNativeType
Contains values that describe native unmanaged types.
- CorNotificationForTokenMovement
Contains flag values that influence notifications upon token movement.
- CorOpenFlags
Contains flag values that control metadata behavior upon opening manifest files.
- CorParamAttr
Contains values that describe the metadata of a method parameter.
- CorPEKind
Contains values that describe a portable executable file, as returned from a call to IMetaDataImport2::GetPEKind.
- CorPinvokeMap
Contains values that describe features of a PInvoke call.
- CorPropertyAttr
Contains values that describe the metadata of a property.
- CorSaveSize
Contains values indicating the level of precision required when querying for the size of a save operation.
- CorSerializationType
Contains values that describe how an object is serialized by the common language runtime. These values generally correspond to CorElementType values.
- CorSetENC
Contains values used to influence behavior during the generation of metadata.
- CorSymAddrKind Enumeration
Indicates the type of memory address.
- CorSymSearchPolicyAttributes Enumeration
Defines constants that specify search policy attributes and are used in ISymUnmanagedBinder2::GetReaderForFile2 and ISymUnmanagedBinder3::GetReaderFromCallback.
- CorSymVarFlag Enumeration
Indicates that a variable is compiler-generated.
- CorTokenType
Contains values that indicate the kind of object that a metadata token references.
- CorTypeAttr
Contains values that indicate type metadata.
- CorUnmanagedCallingConvention
Contains values that describe unmanaged calling conventions.
Contains flag values used by CreateAssemblyNameObject.
- EApiCategories
Describes the categories of capabilities that the host can block from running in partially trusted code.
- EBindPolicyLevels
Provides flags used to specify the level at which to apply or modify assembly policy.
- EClrEvent
Describes the common language runtime events for which the host can register callbacks.
- EClrFailure
Describes the set of failures for which a host can set policy actions.
- EClrOperation
Describes the set of operations for which a host can apply policy actions.
- EClrUnhandledException
Describes the options available to manage exceptions that are unhandled in user code.
- EContextType
Describes the security context of the currently executing thread.
- ECustomDumpFlavor
Contains values that indicate what items to include in a custom subset of a heap dump when reporting errors.
- ECustomDumpItemKind
Contains values that describe the associated CustomDumpItem instance.
- EHostBindingPolicyModifyFlags
Allows the host to specify the type of redirection the common language runtime should perform when applying policy modifications from a source assembly to a target assembly.
- EMAllocType
Contains values that provide details to an IHostMAlloc about the kind of memory to allocate.
- EMemoryAvailable
Contains values that indicate the amount of free physical memory on the computer.
- EMemoryCriticalLevel
Contains values that indicate the impact of a failure to satisfy a request for a specific memory allocation.
- EPolicyAction
Describes the policy actions the host can set for operations described by EClrOperation and failures described by EClrFailure.
- ESymbolReadingPolicy
Contains values that set the policy for reading program database (PDB) files.
- ETaskType
Contains values that indicate the kind of task represented by an ICLRTask or an IHostTask.
- LoggingLevelEnum
Contains values that define logging message levels.
- LogSwitchCallReason
Contains values that specify why ICorDebugManagedCallback::LogSwitch or ICorDebugProcess::ModifyLogSwitch was called.
- NOTIFY_FILTER Enumeration
Identifies calls for debugger APIs.
Contains values that indicate what information about the common language runtime should be returned.
- StackOverflowType
Contains values that indicate the underlying cause of a stack overflow event. This information is passed to the host using a call to IActionOnCLREvent::OnEvent.
Contains values that indicate the startup behavior of the common language runtime. By default, garbage collection is non-concurrent, and only the base class library is loaded into the domain-neutral area.
- ValidatorFlags
Contains values indicating the kind of validation that should be performed in a call to ICLRValidator::Validate.
Indicates the action a host should take if an operation requested by the common language runtime blocks.
Diagnostics Symbol Store Interfaces