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Global Static Functions (Unmanaged API Reference)

Describes the unmanaged API elements that runtime hosts call to configure and load the common language runtime (CLR) into a process.

In This Section

  • _CorDllMain
    Instructs the operating system loader to look for the entry point in the DLL image.
  • _CorExeMain
    Instructs the operating system loader to look for the entry point in the executable image.
  • _CorExeMain2
    Instructs the Windows loader to search for the entry point in the specified memory-mapped code.
  • _EFN_StackTrace
    Provides a textual representation of a managed stack trace and an array of CONTEXT records, one for each transition between unmanaged and managed code.
  • _EFN_GetManagedExcepStack
    Given a managed exception object address, returns a string version of the stack trace contained inside.
  • _EFN_GetManagedObjectFieldInfo
    Gets the offset to a field from the start of an object and the field's value, using the provided object pointer and field name.
  • CallFunctionShim
    Makes a call to a function, with the specified name and parameters, in the specified library.
  • CoInitializeEE
    Loads the CLR execution engine into a process using the specified bitmask values.
  • CorBindToRuntimeByCfg
    Loads the CLR into a process using the version information that is read from an XML file using an IStream.
  • CorBindToRuntimeHost
    Enables unmanaged hosts to load a specified version of the CLR into a process.
  • CoEEShutDownCOM
    Unloads a Component Object Model (COM) assembly from the process.
  • CorLaunchApplication
    Starts the application at the specified network path, using the specified manifests and other application data.
  • CoUninitializeCor
    CoUninitializeCor is obsolete. The CLR cannot be unloaded from a process.
  • CreateAssemblyNameObject
    Gets an interface pointer to an IAssemblyName instance that represents the unique identity of the assembly with the specified name.
  • CreateConfigStream
    Gets an interface pointer to an IStream instance that contains the configuration file with the specified name.
  • CreateICeeFileGen
    Creates an ICeeFileGen object, which is used to create a CLR portable executable (PE) file.
  • GetAssemblyIdentityFromFile
    Gets an IUnknown interface pointer to an object with the specified IID, in the assembly at the specified file path.
  • GetCachePath
    Gets the file path of the assembly described by the specified flag values.
  • GetCompileInfo
    Gets an interface pointer to an ICorCompileInfo instance that contains the compilation information for the assembly in the current scope.
  • GetCORRequiredVersion
    Gets information about the required version of the CLR using the specified buffer.
  • GetCORSystemDirectory
    Gets the installation directory of the CLR version that is loaded into the process.
  • GetCORVersion
    Returns the version number of the CLR that is running in the current process.
  • GetFileVersion
    Gets the CLR version information of the specified file, using the specified buffer.
  • GetHashFromAssemblyFileW
    Gets a hash of the specified assembly file, using the specified hash algorithm (Unicode file name version).
  • GetHashFromBlob
    Gets a hash of the assembly at the specified memory address, using the specified hash algorithm.
  • GetHashFromFileW
    Gets a hash of the specified file (Unicode file name version).
  • GetPermissionRequests
    Reads permission requests from the specified file, if they exist, and fills the specified buffers with minimal, optional, and refused permissions.
  • GetRealProcAddress
    Gets the address of the specified function that is exported from the latest installed version of the CLR.
  • GetRequestedRuntimeVersion
    Gets the specified version of the CLR, or, if that version is not available, gets the most recent version prior to the specified version.
  • GetVersionFromProcess
    Gets the version number of the CLR that is associated with the specified process handle.
  • GetXMLElement
    Gets the XML element with the specified tag name from the specified file.
  • GetXMLElementAttribute
    Fills the specified buffer with the value of the XML attribute with the specified name.
  • GetXMLObject
    Gets an interface pointer to an IXMLParser instance for parsing XML files.
  • LoadStringRC
    Translates an HRESULT value into an appropriate error message using the default culture of the current thread.
  • LoadStringRCEx
    Translates an HRESULT value into an appropriate error message for the culture represented by the specified locale identifier.
  • LockClrVersion
    Allows the host to determine which version of the CLR to use within the process before explicitly initializing it.
  • MetaDataGetDispenser
    Gets an interface pointer to a metadata dispenser class with the specified CLSID.
  • RunDll32ShimW
    Executes the specified command using the specified handle and command-line parameters.
  • RuntimeOSHandle
    Gets a pointer to the operating system handle that corresponds to the specified CLR handle.
  • StrongNameGetBlob
    Fills the specified buffer with the binary representation of the executable file at the specified memory address.
  • StrongNameHashSize
    Gets the buffer size required for a hash using the specified hash algorithm.
  • StrongNameKeyGenEx
    Creates a public/private key pair with the specified key size, for strong name use.
  • StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx
    Generates a strong name signature for the specified assembly, and provides options for recomputing hashes for linked modules and test-signing the assembly.
  • StrongNameSignatureVerification
    Gets a value indicating whether the assembly manifest for the supplied portable executable (.dll or .exe) file contains a strong name signature. This function provides input and output flags that allow you to modify the verification behavior.
  • StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx
    Gets a value indicating whether the assembly manifest for the supplied portable executable (.dll or .exe) file contains a strong name signature.
  • TranslateSecurityAttributes
    Translates a group of security custom attributes into serialized binary data, as a CORSEC_ATTRSET structure.

ALink API (Unmanaged API Reference)

Custom Interface Attributes (Unmanaged API Reference)

Diagnostics Symbol Store Interfaces

Enumerations (Unmanaged API Reference)

Fusion Interfaces

Hosting Interfaces

Metadata Interfaces

Structures (Unmanaged API Reference)

See Also


Runtime Hosts

Other Resources

Hosting the Common Language Runtime