Global Static Functions (Unmanaged API Reference)
Describes the unmanaged API elements that runtime hosts call to configure and load the common language runtime (CLR) into a process.
- _AxlRSAKeyValueToPublicKeyToken
Computes a public key token from an RSA key.
- _CorDllMain
Instructs the operating system loader to look for the entry point in the DLL image.
- _CorExeMain
Instructs the operating system loader to look for the entry point in the executable image.
- _CorExeMain2
Instructs the Windows loader to search for the entry point in the specified memory-mapped code.
- _CorImageUnloading
Notifies the loader when the managed module images are unloaded.
- _CorValidateImage
Notifies the loader when the managed module images are loaded.
- _EFN_StackTrace
Provides a textual representation of a managed stack trace and an array of CONTEXT records, one for each transition between unmanaged and managed code.
- _EFN_GetManagedExcepStack
Given a managed exception object address, returns a string version of the stack trace contained inside.
- _EFN_GetManagedObjectName
Gets the name of a type using the provided managed object pointer.
- _EFN_GetManagedObjectFieldInfo
Gets the offset to a field from the start of an object and the field's value, using the provided object pointer and field name.
- CallFunctionShim
Makes a call to a function, with the specified name and parameters, in the specified library.
- CertFreeAuthenticodeSignerInfo
Frees a previously allocated AXL_SIGNER_INFO structure.
- CertFreeAuthenticodeTimestamperInfo
Frees a previously allocated AXL_TIMESTAMPER_INFO structure.
- CertTimestampAuthenticodeLicense
Creates an Authenticode time-stamp signature for a signed file.
- CertVerifyAuthenticodeLicense
Verifies the Authenticode signature of a signed file.
- ClearDownloadCache
Clears the global assembly cache of downloaded assemblies.
- ClrCreateManagedInstance
Creates an instance of the requested Type.
- CLRDataCreateInstance
Gets an interface pointer to an ICLRDataEnumMemoryRegions instance that is associated with the specified ICLRDataTarget.
- CoInitializeCor
CoInitializeCor is obsolete. To initialize the CLR, use either CorBindToRuntimeEx or CorBindToCurrentRuntime.
- CoInitializeEE
Loads the CLR execution engine into a process using the specified bitmask values.
- CompareAssemblyIdentity
Compares two assembly identities to determine whether they are equivalent.
- CorBindToCurrentRuntime
Loads the CLR into a process using version information stored in an XML file.
- CorBindToRuntime
Enables unmanaged hosts to load the CLR into a process.
- CorBindToRuntimeByCfg
Loads the CLR into a process using the version information that is read from an XML file using an IStream.
- CorBindToRuntimeEx
Enables unmanaged hosts to load the CLR into a process.
- CorBindToRuntimeHost
Enables unmanaged hosts to load a specified version of the CLR into a process.
- CoEEShutDownCOM
Unloads a Component Object Model (COM) assembly from the process.
- CorExitProcess
Shuts down the current unmanaged process.
- CorLaunchApplication
Starts the application at the specified network path, using the specified manifests and other application data.
- CorMarkThreadInThreadPool
Marks the currently executing thread-pool thread for the execution of managed code.
- CoUninitializeCor
CoUninitializeCor is obsolete. The CLR cannot be unloaded from a process.
- CoUninitializeEE
CoUninitializeEE is obsolete.
- CreateAssemblyCache
Gets a pointer to a new IAssemblyName instance that represents the global assembly cache.
- CreateAssemblyEnum
Gets a pointer to an IAssemblyEnum that can enumerate the objects in the assembly with the specified IAssemblyName.
- CreateAssemblyNameObject
Gets an interface pointer to an IAssemblyName instance that represents the unique identity of the assembly with the specified name.
- CreateCab
Creates a compressed CAB file.
- CreateConfigStream
Gets an interface pointer to an IStream instance that contains the configuration file with the specified name.
- CreateDebuggingInterfaceFromVersion
Creates an ICorDebug object based on the specified version information.
- CreateHistoryReader
Creates a history reader for the specified file.
- CreateICeeFileGen
Creates an ICeeFileGen object, which is used to create a CLR portable executable (PE) file.
- CreateInstallReference
Gets an interface pointer to an IInstallReferenceEnum that contains the references to the assembly with the specified IAssemblyName.
- DestroyICeeFileGen
Destroys an ICeeFileGen object.
- FormatFromRawValue
Converts raw performance data to the specified format.
- GetAppIdAuthority
Gets an interface pointer to an IAppIdAuthority.
- GetAssemblyIdentityFromFile
Gets an IUnknown interface pointer to an object with the specified IID, in the assembly at the specified file path.
- GetCachePath
Gets the file path of the assembly described by the specified flag values.
- GetCLRFunction
Gets a pointer to one of the CLR functions.
- GetCompileInfo
Gets an interface pointer to an ICorCompileInfo instance that contains the compilation information for the assembly in the current scope.
- GetCORRequiredVersion
Gets information about the required version of the CLR using the specified buffer.
- GetCORSystemDirectory
Gets the installation directory of the CLR version that is loaded into the process.
- GetCORVersion
Returns the version number of the CLR that is running in the current process.
- GetFileVersion
Gets the CLR version information of the specified file, using the specified buffer.
- GetHashFromAssemblyFile
Gets a hash of the specified assembly file, using the specified hash algorithm.
- GetHashFromAssemblyFileW
Gets a hash of the specified assembly file, using the specified hash algorithm (Unicode file name version).
- GetHashFromBlob
Gets a hash of the assembly at the specified memory address, using the specified hash algorithm.
- GetHashFromFile
Gets a hash of the specified file.
- GetHashFromFileW
Gets a hash of the specified file (Unicode file name version).
- GetHashFromHandle
Gets a hash of the file with the specified file handle.
- GetHistoryFileDirectory
Retrieves the path of the application history directory.
- GetIdentityAuthority
Gets an interface pointer to an IIdentityAuthority.
- GetMetaDataInternalInterface
Gets a pointer to an internal interface instance used to read and write metadata in memory.
- GetMetaDataInternalInterfaceFromPublic
Gets the internal interface with the specified IID from the specified public interface.
- GetMetaDataPublicInterfaceFromInternal
Gets the public interface with the specified IID from the specified internal interface.
- GetPermissionRequests
Reads permission requests from the specified file, if they exist, and fills the specified buffers with minimal, optional, and refused permissions.
- GetRealProcAddress
Gets the address of the specified function that is exported from the latest installed version of the CLR.
- GetRequestedRuntimeInfo
Gets version and directory information about the CLR requested by an application.
- GetRequestedRuntimeVersion
Gets the specified version of the CLR, or, if that version is not available, gets the most recent version prior to the specified version.
- GetRequestedRuntimeVersionForCLSID
Gets appropriate CLR version information for the class with the specified CLSID.
- GetVersionFromProcess
Gets the version number of the CLR that is associated with the specified process handle.
- GetXMLElement
Gets the XML element with the specified tag name from the specified file.
- GetXMLElementAttribute
Fills the specified buffer with the value of the XML attribute with the specified name.
- GetXMLObject
Gets an interface pointer to an IXMLParser instance for parsing XML files.
- IsFrameworkAssembly
Gets a value that indicates whether the specified assembly is managed.
- LoadLibraryShim
Loads the specified version of a .NET Framework DLL.
- LoadStringRC
Translates an HRESULT value into an appropriate error message using the default culture of the current thread.
- LoadStringRCEx
Translates an HRESULT value into an appropriate error message for the culture represented by the specified locale identifier.
- LockClrVersion
Allows the host to determine which version of the CLR to use within the process before explicitly initializing it.
- MetaDataGetDispenser
Gets an interface pointer to a metadata dispenser class with the specified CLSID.
- NukeDownloadedCache
Deletes the CLR's download cache.
- RunDll32ShimW
Executes the specified command using the specified handle and command-line parameters.
- RuntimeOpenImage
Gets the image of the specified PE file from the CLR.
- RuntimeOSHandle
Gets a pointer to the operating system handle that corresponds to the specified CLR handle.
- RuntimeReleaseHandle
Instructs the CLR to release the specified handle.
- StrongNameCompareAssemblies
Determines whether two assemblies differ only by their strong name signatures.
- StrongNameErrorInfo
Gets the last error code that was raised by a strong name function.
- StrongNameFreeBuffer
Frees memory allocated with a previous call to a strong name method.
- StrongNameGetBlob
Fills the specified buffer with the binary representation of the executable file at the specified memory address.
- StrongNameGetBlobFromImage
Gets a binary representation of the assembly image at the specified memory address.
- StrongNameGetPublicKey
Retrieves the public key from a private/public key pair.
- StrongNameHashSize
Gets the buffer size required for a hash using the specified hash algorithm.
- StrongNameKeyDelete
Deletes the specified key container.
- StrongNameKeyGen
Creates a new public/private key pair for strong name use.
- StrongNameKeyGenEx
Creates a public/private key pair with the specified key size, for strong name use.
- StrongNameKeyInstall
Imports a public/private key pair into a container.
- StrongNameSignatureGeneration
Generates a strong name signature for the specified assembly.
- StrongNameSignatureGenerationEx
Generates a strong name signature for the specified assembly, and provides options for recomputing hashes for linked modules and test-signing the assembly.
- StrongNameSignatureSize
Returns the size of the strong name signature.
- StrongNameSignatureVerification
Gets a value indicating whether the assembly manifest for the supplied portable executable (.dll or .exe) file contains a strong name signature. This function provides input and output flags that allow you to modify the verification behavior.
- StrongNameSignatureVerificationEx
Gets a value indicating whether the assembly manifest for the supplied portable executable (.dll or .exe) file contains a strong name signature.
- StrongNameSignatureVerificationFromImage
Verifies that an assembly that has already been mapped to memory is valid for the associated public key.
- StrongNameTokenFromAssembly
Creates a strong name token from the specified assembly file.
- StrongNameTokenFromAssemblyEx
Creates a strong name token from the specified assembly file, and returns the public key.
- StrongNameTokenFromPublicKey
Returns a token representing a public key.
- TranslateSecurityAttributes
Translates a group of security custom attributes into serialized binary data, as a CORSEC_ATTRSET structure.
ALink API (Unmanaged API Reference)
Custom Interface Attributes (Unmanaged API Reference)
Diagnostics Symbol Store Interfaces
Enumerations (Unmanaged API Reference)