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A Note about XML Configuration Files

Dotfuscator uses XML formatted documents for the configuration and mapping files. When loaded, both of these documents are validated according to the Document Type Definitions (DTDs) specified in the “doctype”. In order to perform the validation, Dotfuscator must be able to access the relevant DTD.

Dotfuscator takes the following steps to locate DTDs:

  1. If the DTD URI specifies a local file, Dotfuscator searches for it in the indicated place. If it is not found there, an error occurs.
  2. If the DTD URI specifies a web resource, Dotfuscator first searches its cache for a file with the same name as that specified in the URI. Dotfuscator keeps its cache in the [CommonApplicationData]\PreEmptive Solutions\Common directory, where [CommonApplicationData] refers to the OS specific directory that serves as a common repository for application-specific data that is used by all users.
  3. If not found, Dotfuscator accesses the URI to obtain the DTD. If found, Dotfuscator caches the DTD so subsequent requests will not need to access the network. If the DTD is not found, or if Dotfuscator is unable to retrieve it from the network, an error occurs.

See the appendices for links to the DTDs.

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