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MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions Members

Provides properties for retrieving and setting options when exporting to Microsoft mail.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MicrosoftMailDestinationOptions type.

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property MailCCList  Gets or sets a carbon copy (CC) list for reports e-mailed.
Public property MailMessage  Gets or sets the e-mail message included with e-mailed reports.
Public property MailSubject  Gets or sets the e-mail subject heading for reports being e-mailed
Public property MailToList  Gets or sets the to list for reports being e-mailed.
Public property Password  Gets or sets the Password to use when logging on to the email account.
Public property UserName  Gets or sets the user name to use when logging on to the email account.


See Also


CrystalDecisions.Shared Namespace