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ParameterRangeValue Members

Provides properties for retrieving and setting range value parameters.

The following tables list the members exposed by the ParameterRangeValue type.

Public Properties

Property Description
Public property Description  Overridden. Gets or Sets a decription for the parameter range value.
Public property EndValue  Gets or sets the end of the range value. This can be a string, number, currency, Boolean or date.
Public property IsRange (Inherited from ParameterValue.) Gets or sets whether the value is a range.
Public property Kind (Inherited from ParameterValue.) Gets whether the parameter value is discrete, ranged, or both.
Public property LowerBoundType  Gets or sets the lower bound type.
Public property StartValue  Gets or sets the start of the range value. This can be a string, number, currency, Boolean or date.
Public property UpperBoundType  Gets or sets the upper bound type.


See Also


CrystalDecisions.Shared Namespace