MSsubscriber_schedule (Transact-SQL)
Applies to:
SQL Server
The MSsubscriber_schedule table contains default merge and transactional synchronization schedules for each Publisher/Subscriber pair. This table is stored in the distribution database.
This system table has been deprecated and is being maintained to support earlier versions of Microsoft SQL Server.
Column name | Data type | Description |
publisher | sysname | The name of the Publisher. |
subscriber | sysname | The name of the Subscriber. |
agent_type | smallint | The type of agent: 0 = Distribution Agent. 1 = Merge Agent. |
frequency_type | int | The frequency with which to schedule the Distribution Agent: 1 = One time. 2 = On demand. 4 = Daily. 8 = Weekly. 16 = Monthly. 32 = Monthly relative. 64 = Autostart. 128 = Recurring. |
frequency_interval | int | The value to apply to the frequency set by frequency_type. |
frequency_relative_interval | int | The date of the Distribution Agent: 1 = First. 2 = Second. 4 = Third. 8 = Fourth. 16 = Last. |
frequency_recurrence_factor | int | The recurrence factor used by frequency_type. |
frequency_subday | int | How often to reschedule during the defined period: 1 = Once. 2 = Second. 4 = Minute. 8 = Hour. |
frequency_subday_interval | int | The interval for frequency_subday. |
active_start_time_of_day | int | The time of day when the Distribution Agent will first be scheduled, formatted as HHMMSS. |
active_end_time_of_day | int | The time of day when the Distribution Agent will stop being scheduled, formatted as HHMMSS. |
active_start_date | int | The date when the Distribution Agent will first be scheduled, formatted as YYYYMMDD. |
active_end_date | int | The date when the Distribution Agent will stop being scheduled, formatted as YYYYMMDD. |
Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)