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sysmergesubsetfilters (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Contains join filter information for partitioned articles. This table is stored in the publication and subscription databases.

Column name Data type Description
filtername sysname The name of the filter used to create the article.
join_filterid int The ID of the object representing the join filter.
pubid uniqueidentifier The ID of the publication.
artid uniqueidentifier The ID of the article.
art_nickname int The nickname of the article.
join_articlename sysname The name of the table to join to determine whether the row belongs.
join_nickname int The nickname of the table to join to determine whether the row belongs.
join_unique_key int Indicates a join on a unique key of join_tablename:

0 = Not a unique key.

1 = A unique key.
expand_proc sysname The name of the stored procedure used by the Merge Agent to identify the rows that need to be sent or removed from a Subscriber.
join_filterclause nvarchar(1000) The filter clause used for the join.
filter_type tinyint Specifies the filter type, which can be one of the following:

1 = Join filter.

2 = Logical record link.

3 = Both a join filter and a logical record link.

See Also

Replication Tables (Transact-SQL)
Replication Views (Transact-SQL)