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Database User (General Page)

Use this page to view or modify properties for the database user. Database User is accessed in two ways: either by right-clicking Users in Object Explorer and then clicking New User, or by right-clicking an existing user and then clicking Properties. When you right-click an existing user and then click Properties, some of the options below are not editable.

To gain access to a database, a login must be identified as a database user. The database user is usually known by the same name as the login, but you can create a database user (for a login) with a different name. Authentication is performed for the login; therefore, attributes such as the domain identity (for a Windows login) or the password (for a SQL Server login) are configured on the Login Properties (General Page). Access this page from Object Explorer under the server Security tree, not from the database Security tree.


  • User name
    Enter a user name for the selected login name. If you are editing an existing user, this option cannot be changed.
  • Login name
    Select a login name from the list if you are creating a new user. If you are editing an existing user, this option cannot be changed.
  • Certificate name
    Displays the certificate name if created with a certificate.
  • Key name
    Displays the key name if created with an asymmetric key.
  • Without login
    Indicates the login was created using the WITHOUT LOGIN clause.
  • Default schema
    Specifies the schema that will own objects created by this user, unless otherwise specified.
  • Schemas owned by this user/Owned Schemas
    Select or view schemas that are owned by this user. A schema can be owned by only one user.
  • Database role membership/Role Members
    Select the database role membership, if any, for the user from the list of all available database roles.


    All users are also included in the public role. Public membership is permanent and cannot be changed.

See Also

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Change History

Release History

14 April 2006

New content:
  • Provided a description of the relationship of a database user to a login.