Other Statements (Transact-SQL)
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 provides the following new and enhanced statements and commands that can be used for database administration and error handling.
Statement | Description |
Rewinds and closes specified tape devices that were left open by BACKUP or RESTORE statements executed with the NOREWIND option. |
Used to handle transaction abort errors. |
Sets the execution context of a session or user-defined module such as a stored procedure, trigger, queue, or user-defined function. |
Statement | Description |
Supports optional partial backups (of the primary filegroup and any read/write secondary filegroups), creating copy-only backups outside the typical sequence of backups, mirroring of backup media (mirrored media sets), creating backup checksums, and continuing despite errors. |
Enhanced to try to perform a checkpoint in a specified period of time. |
Enhanced to support pass-through commands to linked servers and to set the execution context of the session. |
Enhanced with a BULK option that uses the BULK rowset provider for OPENROWSET to read data from a data file without loading the data into a target table. You can use OPENROWSET with a simple SELECT statement, and also with an INSERT statement. |
Supports optional online restore, page restore, piecemeal restore of filegroups, mirrored media sets, using backup checksums (if present in a backup), and continuing despite errors. RESTORE DATABASE supports reverting a database to a database snapshot and supports the STOPAT option. RESTORE LOG can now include a file list. RESTORE VERIFYONLY checks are enhanced. |
Returns new flags to indicate whether the backup contains checksums. |
Returns a new column, Mirror_Count, to support mirrored media sets. |
Now supports optionally displaying a message every time another percentage finishes. |
Enhanced to raise a transaction abort error. |