Check In Pending Changes
When you check in files, the system commits pending changes in your workspace to the Team Foundation version control server.
Required Permissions
To perform these procedures, you must have the Check in permission set to Allow. For more information, see Team Foundation Server Permissions.
View pending changes by performing any one of the following steps:
In Source Control Explorer, right-click any file that contains pending changes (indicated by this symbol:
), and then click Check In Pending Changes.
In Solution Explorer, right-click one or more solutions, projects, or files, and then click Check In.
At the Visual Studio Command Prompt, type cd Path, where Path specifies the directory that contains your updated files, and press ENTER. Then type tf checkin, and press ENTER.
On the View menu, point to Other Windows, and click Pending Changes.
In the Source Files channel, clear the check boxes for any files or other items that you do not want to check in, and type any applicable comments in the Comment box.
(Optional) If you are checking in files or other items that are associated with a work item, click the Work Items channel, and select the check boxes for the work items with which the items are associated.
For more information, see Associate Work Items with Changesets and View Work Item Details from Pending Changes Window.
Some organizations create check-in policies that require you to associate each check-in operation with at least one work item. If your organization has such a policy, you will be prompted if you have not selected the check box for a work item. For more information, see Enable and Disable Check-In Policies.
(Optional) Click the Check-in Notes channel, and add notes.
(Optional) Click the Policy Warnings channel to ensure that your changes do not violate any check-in policies before you check them in.
If you try to check in items that violate a policy, you will be notified, and the changes will not be checked in. If necessary, you can override check-in policies. For more information, see Override a Check-In Policy.
Click Check In.
The items are checked in, or the Conflicts channel appears with the list of conflicts that you must resolve. For more information, see Resolve Conflicts between Two Files.
If you are checking in changes into version control folders that are controlled by a gated check-in build, the Gated Check-in dialog box appears. For information about how to complete your check-in operation, see Check In Pending Changes that Are Controlled by a Gated Check-in Build.
Associate Work Items with Changesets
Associate Check-in Notes with Changesets
Check In Pending Changes that Are Controlled by a Gated Check-in Build