Quick List for Visual Basic 2005 Code Examples
This topic contains links to all the Visual Basic 2005 code examples that are contained in the Using System.DirectoryServices guide.
- Adding Directory Objects
Using the Add method to add child objects.
- Binding to Directory Objects
Using DirectoryEntry object to bind to objects.
- Binding Using GUID
Using the GUID to bind to objects.
- Boolean Property Type
Reading and setting a Boolean property using the Value property.
- Constructed Properties
Reading and writing constructed properties.
- DirectorySearcher Example
Setting up a basic directory search.
- DN with Binary Property Type
Reading and writing using ActiveDS.
- Large Integer Property Type
Reading and writing large integers.
- Moving Directory Objects
Using the MoveTo method.
- Navigating to the Child Object
Using the Children property to bind to child objects.
- Navigating to the Parent Object
Using the Parent property to bind to parent objects.
- Octet String (SID) Property Type
Reading and writing octet strings.
- Reading Properties on Directory Objects
Using the Properties collection to read object properties.
- Reading Properties with Multiple Values
Using the Values property to read property values.
- Setting Properties on Directory Objects
Using the Setting properties with the Add method and Value property.
- Setting Properties with Multiple Values
Using the AddRange, and Insert methods.
- The Property Cache
Using the RefreshCache method.
- Renaming an Object
Using the Rename method.
- Additional Search Options
Using the ReferralChasing property.
- Getting Search Results
Using the SearchResult and SearchResultCollection classes to retrieve search results.
- Searching the Directory
Using the DirectorySearcher class with the FindAll method to search the directory.
- Security Descriptor Property Type
Reading and writing a security descriptor using ActiveDS.
- String Property Type
Reading strings.
- Adding Directory Objects
Using the Exists method to verify that a directory object exists in the directory.
Using System.DirectoryServices
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