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sp_helpmergearticle (Transact-SQL)

Applies to: SQL Server

Returns information about an article. This stored procedure is executed at the Publisher on the publication database or at a republishing Subscriber on the subscription database.

Transact-SQL syntax conventions


    [ [ @publication = ] N'publication' ]
    [ , [ @article = ] N'article' ]
[ ; ]


[ @publication = ] N'publication'

The name of the publication about which to retrieve information. @publication is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all merge articles contained in all publications in the current database.

[ @article = ] N'article'

The name of the article for which to return information. @article is sysname, with a default of %, which returns information about all merge articles in the given publication.

Result set

Column name Data type Description
id int Article identifier.
name sysname Name of the article.
source_owner sysname Name of the owner of the source object.
source_object sysname Name of the source object from which to add the article.
sync_object_owner sysname Name of the owner of the view that defines the published article.
sync_object sysname Name of the custom object used to establish the initial data for the partition.
description nvarchar(255) Description of the article.
status tinyint Status of the article, which can be one of the following values:

1 = inactive

2 = active

5 = data definition language (DDL) operation pending

6 = DDL operation with a newly generated snapshot

Note: When an article is reinitialized, values of 5 and 6 are changed to 2.
creation_script nvarchar(255) Path and name of an optional article schema script used to create the article in the subscription database.
conflict_table nvarchar(270) Name of the table storing the insert or update conflicts.
article_resolver nvarchar(255) Custom resolver for the article.
subset_filterclause nvarchar(1000) WHERE clause specifying the horizontal filtering.
pre_creation_command tinyint Pre-creation method, which can be one of the following values:

0 = none

1 = drop

2 = delete

3 = truncate
schema_option binary(8) Bitmap of the schema generation option for the article. For information about this bitmap option, see sp_addmergearticle or sp_changemergearticle.
type smallint Type of article, which can be one of the following values:

10 = table

32 = stored procedure

64 = view or indexed view

128 = user defined function

160 = synonym schema only
column_tracking int Setting for column-level tracking; where 1 means that column-level tracking is on, and 0 means that column-level tracking is off.
resolver_info nvarchar(255) Name of the article resolver.
vertical_partition bit If the article is vertically partitioned; where 1 means that the article is vertically partitioned, and 0 means that it isn't.
destination_owner sysname Owner of the destination object. Applicable to merge stored procedures, views, and user-defined function (UDF) schema articles only.
identity_support int If automatic identity range handling is enabled; where 1 is enabled and 0 is disabled.
pub_identity_range bigint The range size to use when assigning new identity values. For more information, see the "Merge Replication" section of Replicate Identity Columns.
identity_range bigint The range size to use when assigning new identity values. For more information, see the "Merge Replication" section of Replicate Identity Columns.
threshold int Percentage value used for Subscribers running SQL Server Compact or previous versions of SQL Server. threshold controls when the Merge Agent assigns a new identity range. When the percentage of values specified in threshold is used, the Merge Agent creates a new identity range. For more information, see the "Merge Replication" section of Replicate Identity Columns.
verify_resolver_signature int If a digital signature is verified before using a resolver in merge replication; where 0 means that the signature isn't verified, and 1 means that the signature is verified to see if it's from a trusted source.
destination_object sysname Name of the destination object. Applicable to merge stored procedures, views, and UDF schema articles only.
allow_interactive_resolver int If the Interactive Resolver is used on an article; where 1 means that this resolver is used, and 0 means that it isn't used.
fast_multicol_updateproc int Enables or disables the Merge Agent to apply changes to multiple columns in the same row in one UPDATE statement; where 1 means that multiple columns are updated in one statement, and 0 means that separate UPDATE statements are issues for each updated column.
check_permissions int Integer value that represents the bitmap of the table-level permissions that are verified. For a list of possible values, see sp_addmergearticle (Transact-SQL).
processing_order int The order in which data changes are applied to articles in a publication.
upload_options tinyint Defines restrictions on updates made at a Subscriber with a client subscription, which can be one of the following values.

0 = There are no restrictions on updates made at a Subscriber with a client subscription; all changes are uploaded to the Publisher.

1 = Changes are allowed at a Subscriber with a client subscription, but they aren't uploaded to the Publisher.

2 = Changes aren't allowed at a Subscriber with a client subscription.

For more information, see Optimize Merge Replication Performance with Download-Only Articles.
identityrangemanagementoption int Specifies if automatic identity range handling is enabled. 1 is enabled, and 0 is disabled.
delete_tracking bit Specifies whether deletes are replicated. 1 means that deletes are replicated, and 0 means that they aren't.
compensate_for_errors bit Indicates if compensating actions are taken when errors are encountered during synchronization; where 1 indicates that compensating actions are taken, and 0 means that compensating actions aren't taken.
partition_options tinyint Defines the way in which data in the article is partitioned. This option enables performance optimizations when all rows belong in only one partition, or in only one subscription. partition_options can be one of the following values.

0 = The filtering for the article either is static or doesn't yield a unique subset of data for each partition; that is, it's an "overlapping" partition.

1 = The partitions are overlapping, and data manipulation language (DML) updates made at the Subscriber can't change the partition to which a row belongs.

2 = The filtering for the article yields non-overlapping partitions, but multiple Subscribers can receive the same partition.

3 = The filtering for the article yields non-overlapping partitions that are unique for each subscription.
artid uniqueidentifier An identifier that uniquely identifies the article.
pubid uniqueidentifier An identifier that uniquely identifies the publication in which the article is published.
stream_blob_columns bit Is if the data stream optimization is being used when replicating binary large object columns. 1 means that the optimization is being used, and 0 means that the optimization isn't being used.

Return code values

0 (success) or 1 (failure).


sp_helpmergearticle is used in merge replication.


Only members of the db_owner fixed database role in the publication database, the replmonitor role in the distribution database, or the publication access list for a publication can execute sp_helpmergearticle.


DECLARE @publication AS sysname;
SET @publication = N'AdvWorksSalesOrdersMerge';

USE [AdventureWorks2022]
EXEC sp_helpmergearticle
  @publication = @publication;