VsaError Enumeration
[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]
Note: This API is now obsolete.
Defines the set of exceptions that can be thrown by a .NET script engine.
Namespace: Microsoft.Vsa
Assembly: Microsoft.Vsa (in Microsoft.Vsa.dll)
<ObsoleteAttribute("Use of this type is not recommended because it is being deprecated in Visual Studio 2005; there will be no replacement for this feature. Please see the ICodeCompiler documentation for additional help.")> _
<GuidAttribute("c216f805-8fab-3d33-bf81-7b1035e917b9")> _
Public Enumeration VsaError
[ObsoleteAttribute("Use of this type is not recommended because it is being deprecated in Visual Studio 2005; there will be no replacement for this feature. Please see the ICodeCompiler documentation for additional help.")]
public enum VsaError
[ObsoleteAttribute(L"Use of this type is not recommended because it is being deprecated in Visual Studio 2005; there will be no replacement for this feature. Please see the ICodeCompiler documentation for additional help.")]
public enum class VsaError
[<ObsoleteAttribute("Use of this type is not recommended because it is being deprecated in Visual Studio 2005; there will be no replacement for this feature. Please see the ICodeCompiler documentation for additional help.")>]
type VsaError
public enum VsaError
Member name | Description | |
AppDomainCannotBeSet | Value: 0x80133000
Exception string: The application domain cannot be set. Thrown by the GetOption method or the SetOption method when attempts fail to set the AppDomain option on a managed engine, such as the Visual Basic or JScript script engines. Managed script engines do not support using custom application domains. Managed script engines will always use the application domain in which they are running. |
AppDomainInvalid | Value: 0x80133001
Exception string: The specified application domain is not valid. Thrown by the GetOption method or SetOption method when attempting to set an AppDomain reference that is not valid. To reset the AppDomain option to a null reference, call the Reset method. |
ApplicationBaseCannotBeSet | Value: 0x80133002
Exception string: Application base cannot be set. Thrown by the GetOption method or SetOption method when attempts to get or set the ApplicationBase option on a managed engine, such as the Visual Basic .NET or JScript .NET script engines. The host must set the ApplicationBase option in the application domain in which it creates its script engine. |
ApplicationBaseInvalid | Value: 0x80133003
Exception string: The specified application base directory is not valid. Thrown by the GetOption method or SetOption method when attempts to get or set the ApplicationBase option on an engine, and by the Run method when the directory specified as the Application Base directory is not a valid directory. |
AssemblyExpected | Value: 0x80133004
Exception string: IVsaReferenceItem does not reference a valid assembly. Thrown by the Compile method when one of the IVsaReferenceItem objects contained in the IVsaItems collection does not represent a valid assembly. |
AssemblyNameInvalid | Value: 0x80133005
Exception string: Assembly name is not valid. Thrown by the AssemblyName property when an assembly name that is not valid is specified for a IVsaReferenceItem object. |
BadAssembly | Value: 0x80133006
Exception string: Assembly format is not valid. Thrown when the assembly provided to the engine is not valid. This exception typically occurs when an engine tries to run or use the assembly. |
BrowserNotExist | Value: 0x8013303D
Exception string: The specified browser was not found. Thrown by the aDTEngine.AttachDebugger method when a remote debugging session has been initiated and an attempt made to launch the remote browser, but a browser is not available. |
CachedAssemblyInvalid | Value: 0x80133007
Exception string: The cached assembly is not valid. Thrown by the Run method when it is called and it tries to use a previously cached assembly, but the assembly is not valid, for example, it is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). |
CallbackUnexpected | Value: 0x80133008
Exception string: Callback cannot be made at this time. Thrown by multiple methods when one of the IVsaSite or IVsaPersistSite callback methods is called at an unexpected time. For example, the GetCompiledState method should only be called by an engine as a result of a call to the Run method. If it is called at any other time, a CallbackUnexpected exception will be thrown. |
CannotAttachToWebServer | Value: 0x8013304C
Exception string: Cannot attach to the specified Web server. Thrown by the aDTEngine.AttachDebugger method when launching a server-side debugging session and VSA cannot attach the debugger to the specified Web server. |
CodeDOMNotAvailable | Value: 0x80133009
Exception string: A valid Code Document Object Model (CodeDOM) is not available. Thrown by the CodeDOM property when the property is not available to be read. The engine either does not support the property or it requires an explicit call to the Compile method in order to generate the Document Object Model (DOM). |
CompiledStateNotFound | Value: 0x8013300A
Exception string: The specified compiled state could not be loaded. Thrown by the GetCompiledState method when it is called for an engine that does not have compiled state. |
DebuggeeNotStarted | Value: 0x8013303E
Exception string: Debug target application not started. Thrown by the aDTEngine.AttachDebugger method when a Windows client debugging session is initiated, but the AttachDebugger method is not able to launch the target application that is specified with the TargetEXE option. |
DebugInfoNotSupported | Value: 0x8013300B
Exception string: The use of debug information is not supported. Thrown by the GenerateDebugInfo property when it is set to true, but the engine does not support the generation of debugging information. Compilation continues, but the engine compiles code without debug information. |
ElementNameInvalid | Value: 0x8013300C
Exception string: The element name is not valid. Thrown by the LoadElement method and SaveElement methods when either is called with a name parameter that is not valid, for example, one that contains characters that are not valid. Note that the host must not throw an ElementNameInvalid Exception when the name parameter is a null pointer, as a null pointer is a valid argument used to request engine-level data. |
ElementNotFound | Value: 0x8013300D
Exception string: The element was not found. Thrown by LoadElement method when it is called with a name parameter that is not valid, that is, one that does not correspond to a previously saved element. |
EngineBusy | Value: 0x8013300E
Exception string: Engine is busy servicing another thread. Thrown by all members when an engine is currently servicing a request from another thread. By design, a .NET script engine should only be called from one thread at a time. |
EngineCannotClose | Value: 0x8013300F
Exception string: The specified engine cannot be closed. Thrown by Close method when an attempt is made to call this method, but the. NET script engine cannot be closed properly. |
EngineCannotReset | Value: 0x80133010
Exception string: The specified engine cannot be reset. Thrown by the Reset method when it is called, but the .NET script engine could not be reset or its events could not be unhooked. |
EngineClosed | Value: 0x80133011
Exception string: Engine has been closed. Thrown in most cases after the .NET script engine has been closed using a call to the Close method. Once the Close method has been called, the engine can no longer be used, and a new script engine must be created to perform any tasks. |
EngineEmpty | Value: 0x80133012
Exception string: The specified engine has no source items to compile. Thrown by the Compile method when it is called, but there are no items in the IVsaItems collection to compile, that is, the Count property = 0. |
EngineInitialized | Value: 0x80133013
Exception string: Engine has already been initialized. Thrown by the LoadSourceState method and InitNew methods when these methods are called but the .NET script engine has already been initialized. If the host wants to load source state or initialize a new script engine, the respective methods must be the first ones called after setting the RootMoniker and Site properties. |
EngineNameInUse | Value: 0x80133014
Exception string: The specified engine name is already in use by another engine. Thrown by Name property when an attempt is made to set it to the same name as that of an existing .NET script engine inside the host. While the Name property does not need to be globally unique, it cannot be the same as the name of a script engine that is currently being hosted. |
EngineNameInvalid | Value: 0x8013303F
Exception string: Engine name not valid. Thrown by the Name property if the specified name is already in use by another engine. VSA requires that design-time engine names be unique. |
EngineNameNotSet | Value: 0x8013303F
Exception string: Engine name not valid. Thrown by the Name property if the specified name is already in use by another engine. VSA requires that design-time engine names be unique. |
EngineNotCompiled | Value: 0x80133015
Exception string: The specified engine is not compiled. Thrown by the Run method and SaveCompiledState methods when there is no compiled state to run or save. Either the .NET script engine must compile the code with a call to the Compile method, or the LoadSourceState method must be called before the script engine can be run or saved. |
EngineNotExist | Value: 0x80133040
Exception string: Engine does not exist. Thrown by the aIDE.ExtensibilityObject property in cases where there are no valid engines from which to retrieve the extensibility object. |
EngineNotInitialized | Value: 0x80133016
Exception string: The specified engine has not been initialized. Thrown by multiple members when the .NET script engine has not been properly initialized, and the host tries to access a property or method that requires the script engine to be initialized. |
EngineNotRunning | Value: 0x80133017
Exception string: The specified engine must be running. Thrown by the Reset method and Assembly property when either is called and the specified .NET script engine is not running. |
EngineRunning | Value: 0x80133018
Exception string: Engine is running. Thrown by multiple members when the .NET script engine is running, and the host attempts to perform an operation that is not allowed while the script engine is running. For example, attempting to create a new code item using the CreateItem method will produce this exception if the engine is in the running state. |
EventSourceInvalid | Value: 0x80133019
Exception string: The specified event source does not exist. Thrown by the GetEventSourceInstance method when it is called with a parameter or pairing of parameters that is not valid. Either the itemName parameter refers to an item that the host did not add to the engine, or the eventSourceName parameter refers to an event source that was not added to the specified item. |
EventSourceNameInUse | Value: 0x8013301A
Exception string: The specified event source name is already in use. Thrown by the AddEventSource method when it is called with an eventSourceName parameter that has previously been used as an event source name. |
EventSourceNameInvalid | Value: 0x8013301B
Exception string: The specified event source name is not valid. Thrown by the AddEventSource method and RemoveEventSource methods when either is called with an eventSourceName parameter that is not a valid identifier. Hosts can determine whether an identifier is valid by first calling the IsValidIdentifier method. |
EventSourceNotFound | Value: 0x8013301C
Exception string: The specified event source not found. Thrown by the RemoveEventSource method when it is called with an eventNameType parameter that is not already in use as an event source in the code item. |
EventSourceTypeInvalid | Value: 0x8013301D
Exception string: The specified event source type is not valid. Thrown by the AddEventSource method when it is called with an eventSourceType parameter that is not a valid type. Note that this is not true for the Visual Basic script engine, which instead reports a compile exception in this situation. |
FileFormatUnsupported | Value: 0x80133041
Exception string: File format is not supported. Reserved for future use. |
FileTypeUnknown | Value: 0x80133042
Exception string: File is of unknown type. Reserved for future use. |
GetCompiledStateFailed | Value: 0x8013301E
Exception string: The specified compiled state could not be loaded. Thrown by the GetCompiledState method and Run methods when the GetCompiledState method fails. The Run method returns to the caller the GetCompiledStateFailed exception returned by the GetCompiledState method. The Run method may also generate the GetCompiledStateFailed exception if the assembly cache throws an exception. |
GlobalInstanceInvalid | Value: 0x8013301F
Exception string: The specified global instance does not exist. Thrown by GetGlobalInstance method when it is called with an invalid name parameter, that is, one that was not added using the CreateItem method. |
GlobalInstanceTypeInvalid | Value: 0x80133020
Exception string: Global instance type is not valid. Thrown when the TypeString property of an IVsaGlobalItem object is not valid. |
InternalCompilerError | Value: 0x80133021
Exception string: An internal compiler exception has occurred. Thrown by the Compile method when it is called and an unexpected exception occurs within the compiler. This exception is not thrown for compilation errors, which are signaled to the host by means of the OnCompilerError method, but for exceptions in the compiler itself. |
ItemCannotBeRemoved | Value: 0x80133022
Exception string: The specified item cannot be removed. Thrown by the Remove and Remove methods when an attempt is made to remove an item that cannot be removed. |
ItemCannotBeRenamed | Value: 0x80133043
Exception string: The item cannot be renamed. Thrown by the Name property in cases where an attempt is made to rename an item that cannot be renamed. |
ItemFlagNotSupported | Value: 0x80133023
Exception string: The specified flag is not supported. Thrown by the CreateItem method when the call specifies a flag that is not valid, or a flag that is not supported by the host. |
ItemNameInUse | Value: 0x80133024
Exception string: The specified item's name is already in use. Thrown by the CreateItem method and the Name property when a call to the CreateItem method is made with a name parameter that is already in use, or when an existing item has its Name property set to a name that is already in use. |
ItemNameInvalid | Value: 0x80133025
Exception string: Item name is not valid. Thrown by the Item property when the name of an item is not valid. The name of an item can be set either when calling the CreateItem method, or when setting the Name property. Use the IsValidIdentifier method to determine whether an identifier is valid for the engine. |
ItemNotFound | Value: 0x80133026
Exception string: The specified item not found in the collection. Thrown by the Item property, Remove method, Item property, and Remove method when the aItems.Item property is indexed using a parameter that is not valid. When using the string overload, the name parameter must be the same as the name of an item already in the collection; when using the int overload, the index parameter must be between 0 and the value of the Count property -1, inclusive. |
ItemTypeNotSupported | Value: 0x80133027
Exception string: The specified item type is not supported. Thrown by the CreateItem method when a call is made with an itemType parameter that is not supported by the engine. Note that not all engines support all the values of the VsaItemType enumeration. |
LCIDNotSupported | Value: 0x80133028
Exception string: The specified locale identifier (LCID) is not supported. Thrown by the LCID property when it is set to an LCID that is not supported by the engine. |
LoadElementFailed | Value: 0x80133029
Exception string: The specified element could not be loaded. Thrown by the LoadSourceState method and LoadElement methods when a call to the LoadElement method fails. The LoadSourceState method returns the LoadElementFailed exception from the IVsaPersistSite.LoadElement method. |
MissingPdb | Value: 0x8013304A
Exception string: n/a Reserved for future use. |
MissingSource | Value: 0x80133044
Exception string: Missing source. Reserved for future use. |
NameTooLong | Value: 0x80133046
Exception string: The engine name exceeds the allowable length of 256 characters. Thrown by the Name property in cases where the value set for the engine name exceeds 256 characters. |
NotClientSideAndNoUrl | Value: 0x8013304B
Exception string: n/a Reserved for future use. |
NotificationInvalid | Value: 0x8013302A
Exception string: The specified notification is not valid. Thrown by the Notify method when it is called with a notification that is not valid. It is generally recommended that host applications ignore notifications of which they are not aware, or to which they do not need to respond. However, in cases where they do handle a specific notification and the notification is not valid, hosts should throw the NotificationInvalid exception. |
NotInitCompleted | Value: 0x80133045
Exception string: The aDTEngine.InitCompleted method has not been called. Thrown by the aDTEngine.GetIDE method or by the signTime.ShowIDE method in cases where either is called before the InitCompleted method has been called, signaling that initialization is complete. In the case of the ShowIDE method, the exception signals that the first engine in the engines collection has not yet been initialized. |
OptionInvalid | Value: 0x8013302B
Exception string: The specified option is not valid. Thrown by the SetOption method and SetOption methods when the host attempts to set an option using either method, but the value supplied is not valid for the option. |
OptionNotSupported | Value: 0x8013302C
Exception string: The specified option is not supported. Thrown by the SetOption method SetOption method, GetOption method, and IVsaItem.SetOption methods when trying to get or set an option that is not supported by the engine |
ProcNameInUse | Value: 0x80133047
Exception string: n/a Reserved for future use. |
ProcNameInvalid | Value: 0x80133048
Exception string: n/a Reserved for future use. |
RevokeFailed | Value: 0x8013302D
Exception string: A request to revoke the assembly cache failed. Thrown by the RevokeCache method when it is called, but it cannot revoke the cache. More information may be available by means of the Exception.InnerException property. Note that if there is no cached assembly to revoke, the engine should return "success" and not throw this exception. |
RootMonikerAlreadySet | Value: 0x8013302E
Exception string: The RootMoniker property has already been set and cannot be set again. Thrown by the IVsaEngine.RootMoniker property when an attempt is made to set this property after it has already been set to a valid value. The RootMoniker property can only be set once. |
RootMonikerInUse | Value: 0x8013302F
Exception string: The specified root moniker is already in use. Thrown by the RootMoniker property when an attempt is made to set this property to a value that is already in use by another engine. The RootMoniker property must be globally unique. |
RootMonikerInvalid | Value: 0x80133030
Exception string: The specified root moniker is not valid. Thrown by the RootMoniker property when an attempt is made to set this property to a value that is not a valid moniker. A moniker can be invalid for the following reasons: It does not adhere to the moniker syntax of <protocol>://<path>. It uses characters that are not valid inside a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). For more information about valid characters, see "Request For Comments 2396" at http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396. |
RootMonikerNotSet | Value: 0x80133031
Exception string: The RootMoniker property has not been set. Thrown by the Compile method, LoadSourceState method, Run method, and InitNew methods, and the Site property when the property or method requires a valid root moniker, but the RootMoniker property has not been set. |
RootMonikerProtocolInvalid | Value: 0x80133032
Exception string: The protocol specified in the root moniker is not valid. Thrown by the RootMoniker property when an attempt is made to set this property to a value that uses a protocol already registered on the machine, such as file or http. Registered protocols cannot be used as part of the moniker. |
RootNamespaceInvalid | Value: 0x80133033
Exception string: The specified root namespace is not valid. Thrown by the RootNamespace property when an attempt is made to set this property to a value that is not a valid namespace identifier. |
RootNamespaceNotSet | Value: 0x80133034
Exception string: The root namespace has not been set. Thrown by the Compile method if it is called before the RootNamespace property is set. The runtime loader engine and the Visual Basic script engine will also throw this exception on calling the Run method if the property has not been set. |
SaveCompiledStateFailed | Value: 0x80133035
Exception string: The specified compiled state could not be saved. Thrown by the SaveCompiledState method when this method fails. Note that this method does not actually save code, but rather simply provides the host application with the specified binary data, so that the host can save it. |
SaveElementFailed | Value: 0x80133036
Exception string: The specified element could not be saved. Thrown by the SaveSourceState method and SaveElement methods when a call to the SaveElement method fails. The InnerException property of the Exception class is set to the actual exception thrown by the underlying code (for example, an out of disk space exception). For more information, see Exception.InnerException. The SaveSourceState method returns the SaveElementFailed exception from the SaveElement method back to the caller. |
SiteAlreadySet | Value: 0x80133037
Exception string: The specified site has already been set. Thrown by the Site property when an attempt is made to set this property and it already has a non-null value. Once it has been set, the Site property cannot be reset. |
SiteInvalid | Value: 0x80133038
Exception string: The specified site is not valid. Thrown by the Site property when an attempt is made to set this property to a value that is not a valid IVsaSite object reference. |
SiteNotSet | Value: 0x80133039
Exception string: Site has not been set. Thrown by the Compile method, LoadSourceState method, Run method, and InitNew methods when a property or method that requires a valid IVsaSite object is called, but the Site property has not been set. |
SourceItemNotAvailable | Value: 0x8013303A
Exception string: Source item is not available for this exception. Thrown when there is no source item for an exception, that is, the SourceItem property is not set. |
SourceMonikerNotAvailable | Value: 0x8013303B
Exception string: Source moniker is not available for this exception. Thrown when there is no moniker for an exception, that is, the SourceMoniker property is not set. |
UnknownError | Value: 0x801330FF
Exception string: Unknown exception. Thrown by multiple members when the exception is not recognized. |
URLInvalid | Value: 0x8013303C
Exception string: Invalid URL; ASPX file extension is missing. Thrown by the TargetURL property when the target URL to which the debugger is set is not valid. The property must be pointing to an ASPX file. |
VsaServerDown | Value: 0x80133049
Exception string: n/a Reserved for future use. |