Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Events Namespace

Classes in this namespace define base classes for event handlers and event argument properties for pre-events and post-events.

You can use the event receiver classes, such as AdminEventReceiver, CalendarEventReceiver, and ResourceEventReceiver, as base classes for event handlers. Although the other classes are for internal use, you can see the pre-event and post-event argument properties that are available. For example, the ProjectPreEventArgs object contains the IsWorkingStore, ProjectDataSet, ProjectGuid, and ProjectName properties.

For an example of how to use the ProjectEventReceiver class, see How to: Write and Debug a Project Server Event Handler.


  Class Description
Public class ActivityUpgradedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnActivityUpgraded event handler method.
Public class ActivityUpgradingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnActivityUpgrading event handler method.
Public class AdminDeletePostEventArgs Provides post-event properties for deleted items in other event argument classes.
Public class AdminDeletePreEventArgs Provides pre-event properties for deleted items in other event argument classes.
Public class AdminEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Admin Web service].Admin class.
Public class AdminPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the admin class methods.
Public class AdSyncERPSynchronizedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAdSyncERPSynchronized event handler method.
Public class AdSyncERPSynchronizingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAdSyncERPSynchronizing event handler method.
Public class AdSyncGroupsSynchronizedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAdSyncGroupsSynchronized event handler method.
Public class AdSyncGroupsSynchronizingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAdSyncGroupsSynchronizing event handler method.
Public class AdSyncGroupSynchronizedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAdSyncGroupSynchronized(PSContextInfo, AdSyncGroupSynchronizedEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class AdSyncGroupSynchronizingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAdSyncGroupSynchronizing event handler method.
Public class AdSyncUser
Public class AssignmentWorkDataSetPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAssignmentWorkDataSet event handler method.
Public class AssignmentWorkDataSetPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAssignmentWorkDataSetting event handler method.
Public class CalendarCheckInPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedIn event handler method.
Public class CalendarCheckInPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingIn event handler method.
Public class CalendarCheckOutPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedOut event handler method.
Public class CalendarCheckOutPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingOut event handler method.
Public class CalendarDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class CalendarDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class CalendarEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Calendar Web service].Calendar class.
Public class CalendarPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnChanged event handler method and the OnCreated(PSContextInfo, CalendarPostEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class CalendarPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnChanged event handler method and the OnCreated event handler method.
Public class CategoryCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCategoryCreated event handler method.
Public class CategoryCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCategoryCreating event handler method.
Public class CategoryDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCategoryDeleted event handler method.
Public class CategoryDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCategoryDeleting event handler method.
Public class CategorySetPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCategoryUpdated event handler method.
Public class CategorySetPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCategoryUpdated event handler method.
Public class CompletedPostEventArgs Provides properties for the post-event arguments of a completed workflow.
Public class CubeAdminEventReceiver Includes events for the Cube Build Service and methods in the [CubeAdmin Web service].CubeAdmin class.
Public class CubeAdminPostCubeBuildEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCubeBuilt event handler method.
Public class CubeAdminPostCubeProcessEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCubeProcessed event handler method.
Public class CubeAdminPreCubeBuildEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCubeBuilding event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsCheckInPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedIn event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsCheckInPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingIn event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsCheckOutPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedOut event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsCheckOutPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingOut event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class CustomFieldsEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [CustomFields Web service].CustomFields class.
Public class CustomFieldsPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the CustomFields class methods.
Public class CustomFieldsPreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the CustomFields class methods.
Public class GroupCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnGroupCreated event handler method.
Public class GroupCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnGroupCreating event handler method.
Public class GroupDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnGroupDeleted event handler method.
Public class GroupDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnGroupDeleting event handler method.
Public class GroupSetPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the GroupSet class methods.
Public class GroupSetPreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the GroupSet class methods.
Public class LineClassPostUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnLineClassUpdated event handler method.
Public class LineClassPreUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnLineClassUpdating event handler method.
Public class LookupTableCheckInPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedIn event handler method.
Public class LookupTableCheckInPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingIn event handler method.
Public class LookupTableCheckOutPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckedOut event handler method.
Public class LookupTableCheckOutPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingOut event handler method.
Public class LookupTableDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class LookupTableDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class LookupTableEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [LookupTable Web service].LookupTable class.
Public class LookupTablePostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the LookupTable class methods.
Public class LookupTablePreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the LookupTable class methods.
Public class NotificationsEventReceiver Includes the OnSending and OnSent events that occur when Project Server sends an alert or reminder.
Public class NotificationsPostSendEventArgs Event arguments for the OnSent method for notifications events.
Public class NotificationsPreSendEventArgs Event arguments for the OnSending method for notifications events.
Public class OptimizerEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the Optimizer class.
Public class OptimizerSolutionCommittedArgs
Public class OrganizationalPermissionsPostUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnOrganizationalPermissionsUpdated event handler method.
Public class OrganizationalPermissionsPreUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnOrganizationalPermissionsUpdating event handler method.
Public class PostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all project events.
Public class PreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all project events.
Public class ProjectCategoryCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryCreated event handler method.
Public class ProjectCategoryCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryCreating event handler method.
Public class ProjectCategoryDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryDeleted event handler method.
Public class ProjectCategoryDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryDeleting event handler method.
Public class ProjectCategorySetPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryUpdated event handler method.
Public class ProjectCategorySetPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnProjectCategoryUpdating event handler method.
Public class ProjectEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Project Web service].Project class.
Public class ProjectPostEntitiesDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnEntitiesDeleted event handler method.
Public class ProjectPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the Project class methods.
Public class ProjectPostPublishEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnPublished event handler method.
Public class ProjectPostSummaryPublishEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnSummaryPublished event handler method.
Public class ProjectPostUpdatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnUpdated(PSContextInfo, ProjectPostUpdatedEventArgs) event handler method and the OnAdded(PSContextInfo, ProjectPostUpdatedEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class ProjectPreEntitiesDeletingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnEntitiesDeleting event handler method.
Public class ProjectPreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the Project class methods.
Public class ProjectPrePublishEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnPublishing event handler method.
Public class ProjectPreSummaryPublishEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnSummaryPublishing event handler method.
Public class ProjectTypeChangedPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectTypeChanged event handler method.
Public class ProjectTypeChangingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnProjectTypeChanging event handler method.
Public class ReportingEventReceiver Includes post-events for the Report Data Service (RDS).
Public class ReportingPeriodPostUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnReportingPeriodUpdated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPeriodPreUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnReportingPeriodUpdating event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostCommittedSolutionDecisionChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCommittedSolutionDecisionChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostCustomFieldChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCustomFieldChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostCustomFieldCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCustomFieldCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostCustomFieldDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCustomFieldDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostEnterpriseProjectTypeChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnEnterpriseProjectTypeDeleted event handler method and the OnEnterpriseProjectTypeUpdated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostFiscalPeriodChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnFiscalPeriodChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostFiscalPeriodDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnFiscalPeriodDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostLookupTableChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnLookupTableChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostLookupTableCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnLookupTableCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostLookupTableDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnLookupTableDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectChanged event handler method and the OnProjectSummaryChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectWorkflowInformationChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectWorkflowInformationChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectWorkspaceChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectWorkspaceChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectWorkspaceCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectWorkspaceCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostProjectWorkspaceDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProjectWorkspaceDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostResourceCapacitiesChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourceCapacitiesChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostResourceCapacityTimeRangeChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourceCapacityTimeRangeChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostResourceChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourceChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostResourceCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourceCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostResourceDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourceDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetAdjustedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetAdjusted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetClassChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetClassChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetPeriodChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetPeriodChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetPeriodCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetPeriodCreated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetPeriodDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetPeriodDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetProjectAggregatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetProjectAggregated event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetSavedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetSaved event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostTimesheetStatusChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTimesheetStatusChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostUserViewChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnUserViewChanged event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostWorkflowPhaseChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnWorkflowPhaseUpdated event handler method and the OnWorkflowPhaseDeleted event handler method.
Public class ReportingPostWorkflowStageChangedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnWorkflowStageUpdated event handler method and the OnWorkflowStageDeleted(PSContextInfo, ReportingPostWorkflowStageChangedEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class ResourceActivatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnActivated event handler method.
Public class ResourceActivatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnActivating event handler method.
Public class ResourceAuthorizationPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnSetAuthorization event handler method.
Public class ResourceAuthorizationPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnSettingAuthorization event handler method.
Public class ResourceCheckInPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedIn event handler method.
Public class ResourceCheckInPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingIn event handler method.
Public class ResourceCheckOutPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCheckedOut event handler method.
Public class ResourceCheckOutPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCheckingOut event handler method.
Public class ResourceCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCreated event handler method.
Public class ResourceCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCreating event handler method.
Public class ResourceDeactivatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeactivated event handler method.
Public class ResourceDeactivatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeactivating event handler method.
Public class ResourceDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class ResourceDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class ResourceEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Resource Web service].Resource class.
Public class ResourcePlanEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the ResourcePlan class.
Public class ResourcePlanPublishedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResourcePlanPublished event handler method.
Public class ResourcePlanPublishingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnResourcePlanPublishing event handler method.
Public class ResourceUpdatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnChanged event handler method.
Public class ResourceUpdatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnChanging event handler method.
Public class RulesEventReceiver This class is reserved for internal use.
Public class RulesPostCopyEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCopied event handler method.
Public class RulesPostCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCreated event handler method.
Public class RulesPostDeleteEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class RulesPostProcessEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnProcessed event handler method.
Public class RulesPreCopyEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCopying event handler method.
Public class RulesPreCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCreating event handler method.
Public class RulesPreDeleteEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class RulesPreProcessEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnProcessing event handler method.
Public class SecurityEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Security Web service].Security class.
Public class StageEnteredPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnStageEntered event handler method.
Public class StartedPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnStarted event handler method.
Public class StatusCreateTaskPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTaskCreated event handler method.
Public class StatusCreateTaskPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnTaskCreating(PSContextInfo, StatusCreateTaskPreEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class StatusDelegateTaskPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAssignmentDelegated event handler method.
Public class StatusDelegateTaskPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAssignmentDelegating event handler method.
Public class StatusDeleteHistoryPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnHistoryDeleted event handler method.
Public class StatusDeleteHistoryPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnHistoryDeleting event handler method.
Public class StatusDeleteTaskPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnAssignmentDeleted event handler method.
Public class StatusDeleteTaskPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnAssignmentDeleting event handler method.
Public class StatusingEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [Statusing Web service].Statusing class.
Public class StatusingPostApplyEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnApplied event handler method.
Public class StatusingPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the post-event arguments in all events for the Statusing class methods.
Public class StatusingPreApplyEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnApplying event handler method.
Public class StatusingPreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the Statusing class methods.
Public class StatusReportPostDeleteEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnStatusReportsDeleted event handler method.
Public class StatusReportPreDeleteEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnStatusReportsDeleting event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsEventReceiver This class is reserved for internal use.
Public class StatusReportsPostRequestCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnRequestCreated event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPostRequestUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnRequestUpdated event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPostResponseCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResponseCreated event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPostResponseUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnResponseUpdated event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPreRequestCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnRequestCreating event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPreRequestUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnRequestUpdating event handler method.
Public class StatusReportsPreResponseCreateEventArgs Contains methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnResponseCreated event.
Public class StatusReportsPreResponseUpdateEventArgs Contains methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnResponseUpdating event.
Public class StatusSubmitPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnStatusSubmitted event handler method.
Public class StatusSubmitPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnStatusSubmiting event handler method.
Public class StatusUpdateApprovalsPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnApprovalsUpdated event handler method.
Public class StatusUpdateApprovalsPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnApprovalsUpdating event handler method.
Public class StatusUpdatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnStatusUpdated event handler method.
Public class StatusUpdatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnStatusUpdating event handler method.
Public class SyncedProjectEnterpriseEntitiesEventArgs
Public class SyncingProjectEnterpriseEntitiesEventArgs
Public class TemplateCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTemplateCreated event handler method.
Public class TemplateCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnTemplateCreating event handler method.
Public class TemplateDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTemplateDeleted event handler method.
Public class TemplateDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnTemplateDeleting event handler method.
Public class TemplateSetPostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnTemplateUpdated(PSContextInfo, TemplateSetPostEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class TemplateSetPreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnTemplateUpdating event handler method.
Public class TimesheetEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the [TimeSheet Web service].TimeSheet class.
Public class TimesheetLinePostApproveEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnLineApproved event handler method.
Public class TimesheetLinePreApproveEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnLineApproving event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPostEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the Timesheet class methods.
Public class TimesheetPreCreateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCreating event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPreDeleteEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting(PSContextInfo, TimesheetPreDeleteEventArgs) event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPreRecallEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnRecalling event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPreReviewEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnReviewing event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPreSubmitEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnSubmitting event handler method.
Public class TimesheetPreUpdateEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnUpdating event handler method.
Public class UpdatedScheduledProjectEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnUpdatedScheduledProject event handler method.
Public class UpdatingScheduledProjectEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnUpdatingScheduledProject event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationActivatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnActivated event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationActivatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnActivating event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationCreatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnCreated event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationCreatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnCreating event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationDeactivatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeactivated event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationDeactivatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeactivating event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationDeletePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnDeleted event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationDeletePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnDeleting event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationEventReceiver Includes events for methods in the UserDelegationInfo class.
Public class UserDelegationInfo
Public class UserDelegationUpdatePostEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnChanged event handler method.
Public class UserDelegationUpdatePreEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnChanging event handler method.
Public class UserEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the User class methods.
Public class UserPreEventArgs Provides a common set of methods and properties in the pre-event arguments in all events for the User class methods.
Public class WorkflowEventReceiver
Public class WorkflowRunningEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnRunning event handler method.
Public class WssInteropEventReceiver Includes events for the WssInterop.CreateWssSite method.
Public class WssWorkspaceAddressDeletedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceAddressDeleted event handler method.
Public class WssWorkspaceAddressDeletingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceAddressDeleting event handler method.
Public class WssWorkspaceAddressUpdatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceAddressUpdated event handler method.
Public class WssWorkspaceAddressUpdatingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceAddressUpdating event handler method.
Public class WssWorkspaceCreatedEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the post-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceCreated event handler method.
Public class WssWorkspaceCreatingEventArgs Represents methods and properties in the pre-event arguments for the OnWssWorkspaceCreating event handler method.


  Interface Description
Public interface IPostEventArgs Interface that other classes use to implement post-event arguments.
Public interface IPreEventArgs Interface that other classes use to implement pre-event arguments.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate AdminAdSyncERPSynchronizedHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncERP Synchronized post-event.
Public delegate AdminAdSyncERPSynchronizingHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncERP Synchronizing pre-event.
Public delegate AdminAdSyncGroupsSynchronizedHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncGroups Synchronized post-event.
Public delegate AdminAdSyncGroupsSynchronizingHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncGroups Synchronizing pre-event.
Public delegate AdminAdSyncGroupSynchronizedHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncGroups Synchronized post-event.
Public delegate AdminAdSyncGroupSynchronizingHandler Event handler for the AdminAdSyncGroup Synchronizing pre-event.
Public delegate AdminLineClassUpdatedHandler Event handler for the AdminLineClass Updated post-event.
Public delegate AdminLineClassUpdatingHandler Event handler for the AdminLineClass Updating pre-event.
Public delegate AdminReportingPeriodUpdatedHandler Event handler for the AdminReportingPeriod Updated post-event.
Public delegate AdminReportingPeriodUpdatingHandler Event handler for the AdminReportingPeriod Updating pre-event.
Public delegate AdminStatusReportsDeletedHandler Event handler for the AdminStatusReports Deleted post-event.
Public delegate AdminStatusReportsDeletingHandler Event handler for the AdminStatusReports Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate CalendarChangedHandler Event handler for the Calendar Changed post-event.
Public delegate CalendarChangingHandler Event handler for the Calendar Changing pre-event.
Public delegate CalendarCheckedInHandler Event handler for the Calendar CheckedIn post-event.
Public delegate CalendarCheckedOutHandler Event handler for the Calendar CheckedOut post-event.
Public delegate CalendarCheckingInHandler Event handler for the Calendar CheckingIn pre-event.
Public delegate CalendarCheckingOutHandler Event handler for the Calendar CheckingOut pre-event.
Public delegate CalendarCreatedHandler Event handler for the Calendar Created post-event.
Public delegate CalendarCreatingHandler Event handler for the Calendar Creating pre-event.
Public delegate CalendarDeletedHandler Event handler for the Calendar Deleted post-event.
Public delegate CalendarDeletingHandler Event handler for the Calendar Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate CubeAdminCubeBuildingHandler Event handler for the CubeAdminCube Building pre-event.
Public delegate CubeAdminCubeBuiltHandler Event handler for the CubeAdminCube Built post-event.
Public delegate CubeAdminCubeProcessedHandler Event handler for the CubeAdminCube Processed post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCheckedInHandler Event handler for the CustomFields CheckedIn post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCheckedOutHandler Event handler for the CustomFields CheckedOut post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCheckingInHandler Event handler for the CustomFields CheckingIn pre-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCheckingOutHandler Event handler for the CustomFields CheckingOut pre-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCreatedHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Created post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsCreatingHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Creating pre-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsDeletedHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Deleted post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsDeletingHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsUpdatedHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Updated post-event.
Public delegate CustomFieldsUpdatingHandler Event handler for the CustomFields Updating pre-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCheckedInHandler Event handler for the LookupTable CheckedIn post-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCheckedOutHandler Event handler for the LookupTable CheckedOut post-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCheckingInHandler Event handler for the LookupTable CheckingIn pre-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCheckingOutHandler Event handler for the LookupTable CheckingOut pre-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCreatedHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Created post-event.
Public delegate LookupTableCreatingHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Creating pre-event.
Public delegate LookupTableDeletedHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Deleted post-event.
Public delegate LookupTableDeletingHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate LookupTableUpdatedHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Updated post-event.
Public delegate LookupTableUpdatingHandler Event handler for the LookupTable Updating pre-event.
Public delegate NotificationsSendingHandler Event handler for the Notifications Sending pre-event.
Public delegate NotificationsSentHandler Event handler for the Notifications Sent post-event.
Public delegate OptimizerOptimizerSolutionCommittedHandler Event handler for the OptimizerOptimizer SolutionCommitted post-event.
Public delegate OptimizerPlannerSolutionCommittedHandler Event handler for the OptimizerPlannerSolution Committed post-event.
Public delegate ProjectActivityUpgradedHandler Event handler for the ProjectActivity Upgraded post-event.
Public delegate ProjectActivityUpgradingHandler Event handler for the ProjectActivity Upgrading pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectAddedHandler Event handler for the Project Added post-event.
Public delegate ProjectAddingHandler Event handler for the Project Adding pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectCheckInHandler Event handler for the Project CheckIn pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectCreatedHandler Event handler for the Project Created post-event.
Public delegate ProjectCreatingHandler Event handler for the Project Creating pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectDeletedHandler Event handler for the Project Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ProjectDeletingHandler Event handler for the Project Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectEntitiesDeletedHandler Event handler for the ProjectEntities Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ProjectEntitiesDeletingHandler Event handler for the ProjectEntities Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectPublishedHandler Event handler for the Project Published post-event.
Public delegate ProjectPublishingHandler Event handler for the Project Publishing pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectSavedHandler Event handler for the Project Saved post-event.
Public delegate ProjectSaveFailedHandler Event handler for the ProjectSave Failed post-event.
Public delegate ProjectSummaryPublishedHandler Event handler for the ProjectSummary Published post-event.
Public delegate ProjectSummaryPublishingHandler Event handler for the ProjectSummary Publishing pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectSyncedProjectEnterpriseEntitiesHandler
Public delegate ProjectSyncingProjectEnterpriseEntitiesHandler
Public delegate ProjectUpdatedHandler Event handler for the Project Updated post-event.
Public delegate ProjectUpdatedScheduledProjectHandler Event handler for the ProjectUpdated ScheduledProject post-event.
Public delegate ProjectUpdatingHandler Event handler for the Project Updating pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectUpdatingScheduledProjectHandler Event handler for the ProjectUpdating ScheduledProject pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectWssWorkspaceAddressDeletedHandler Event handler for the ProjectWssWorkspaceAddress Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ProjectWssWorkspaceAddressDeletingHandler Event handler for the ProjectWssWorkspaceAddress Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate ProjectWssWorkspaceAddressUpdatedHandler Event handler for the ProjectWssWorkspaceAddress Updated post-event.
Public delegate ProjectWssWorkspaceAddressUpdatingHandler Event handler for the ProjectWssWorkspaceAddress Updating pre-event.
Public delegate ReportingCommittedSolutionDecisionChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingCommittedSolutionDecision Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingCustomFieldChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingCustomField Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingCustomFieldCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingCustomField Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingCustomFieldDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingCustomField Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingEnterpriseProjectTypeDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingEnterpriseProjectType Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingEnterpriseProjectTypeUpdatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingEnterpriseProjectType Updated post-event.
Public delegate ReportingFiscalPeriodChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingFiscalPeriod Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingFiscalPeriodDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingFiscalPeriod Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingLookupTableChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingLookupTable Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingLookupTableCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingLookupTable Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingLookupTableDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingLookupTable Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProject Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProject Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProject Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectSummaryChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProjectSummary Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectWorkflowInformationChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProjectWorkflowInformation Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectWorkspaceChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProjectWorkspace Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectWorkspaceCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProjectWorkspace Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingProjectWorkspaceDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingProjectWorkspace Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingResourceCapacitiesChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingResourceCapacities Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingResourceCapacityTimeRangeChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingResourceCapacityTimeRange Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingResourceChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingResource Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingResourceCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingResource Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingResourceDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingResource Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetAdjustedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheet Adjusted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetClassChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetClass Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheet Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetPeriodChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetPeriod Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetPeriodCreatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetPeriod Created post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetPeriodDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetPeriod Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetProjectAggregatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetProject Aggregated post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetSavedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheet Saved post-event.
Public delegate ReportingTimesheetStatusChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingTimesheetStatus Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingUserViewChangedHandler Event handler for the ReportingUserView Changed post-event.
Public delegate ReportingWorkflowPhaseDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingWorkflowPhase Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingWorkflowPhaseUpdatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingWorkflowPhase Updated post-event.
Public delegate ReportingWorkflowStageDeletedHandler Event handler for the ReportingWorkflowStage Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ReportingWorkflowStageUpdatedHandler Event handler for the ReportingWorkflowStage Updated post-event.
Public delegate ResourceActivatedHandler Event handler for the Resource Activated post-event.
Public delegate ResourceActivatingHandler Event handler for the Resource Activating pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceChangedHandler Event handler for the Resource Changed post-event.
Public delegate ResourceChangingHandler Event handler for the Resource Changing pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceCheckedInHandler Event handler for the Resource CheckedIn post-event.
Public delegate ResourceCheckedOutHandler Event handler for the Resource CheckedOut post-event.
Public delegate ResourceCheckingInHandler Event handler for the Resource CheckingIn pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceCheckingOutHandler Event handler for the Resource CheckingOut pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceCreatedHandler Event handler for the Resource Created post-event.
Public delegate ResourceCreatingHandler Event handler for the Resource Creating pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceDeactivatedHandler Event handler for the Resource Deactivated post-event.
Public delegate ResourceDeactivatingHandler Event handler for the Resource Deactivating pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceDeletedHandler Event handler for the Resource Deleted post-event.
Public delegate ResourceDeletingHandler Event handler for the Resource Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate ResourcePlanResourcePlanPublishedHandler Event handler for the ResourcePlanResourcePlan Published post-event.
Public delegate ResourcePlanResourcePlanPublishingHandler Event handler for the ResourcePlanResourcePlan Publishing pre-event.
Public delegate ResourceSetAuthorizationHandler Event handler for the ResourceSet Authorization post-event.
Public delegate ResourceSettingAuthorizationHandler Event handler for the Resource SettingAuthorization pre-event.
Public delegate RulesCopiedHandler
Public delegate RulesCopyingHandler Event handler for the Rules Copying pre-event.
Public delegate RulesCreatedHandler Event handler for the Rules Created post-event.
Public delegate RulesCreatingHandler Event handler for the Rules Creating pre-event.
Public delegate RulesDeletedHandler Event handler for the Rules Deleted post-event.
Public delegate RulesDeletingHandler Event handler for the Rules Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate RulesProcessedHandler Event handler for the Rules Processed post-event.
Public delegate RulesProcessingHandler Event handler for the Rules Processing pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryCreatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Created post-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryCreatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Creating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryDeletedHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Deleted post-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryDeletingHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryUpdatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Updated post-event.
Public delegate SecurityCategoryUpdatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityCategory Updating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupCreatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Created post-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupCreatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Creating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupDeletedHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Deleted post-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupDeletingHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupUpdatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Updated post-event.
Public delegate SecurityGroupUpdatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityGroup Updating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityOrganizationalPermissionsUpdatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityOrganizationalPermissions Updated post-event.
Public delegate SecurityOrganizationalPermissionsUpdatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityOrganizationalPermissions Updating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryCreatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Created post-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryCreatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Creating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryDeletedHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Deleted post-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryDeletingHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryUpdatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Updated post-event.
Public delegate SecurityProjectCategoryUpdatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityProjectCategory Updating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateCreatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Created post-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateCreatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Creating pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateDeletedHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Deleted post-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateDeletingHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateUpdatedHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Updated post-event.
Public delegate SecurityTemplateUpdatingHandler Event handler for the SecurityTemplate Updating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingAppliedHandler Event handler for the Statusing Applied post-event.
Public delegate StatusingApplyingHandler Event handler for the Statusing Applying pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingApprovalsUpdatedHandler Event handler for the StatusingApprova lsUpdated post-event.
Public delegate StatusingApprovalsUpdatingHandler Event handler for the StatusingApprovals Updating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDelegatedHandler Event handler for the StatusingAssignment Delegated post-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDelegatingHandler Event handler for the StatusingAssignment Delegating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDeletedHandler Event handler for the StatusingAssignment Deleted post-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentDeletingHandler Event handler for the StatusingAssignment Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentWorkDataSetHandler Event handler for the Statusing AssignmentWorkDataSet pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingAssignmentWorkDataSettingHandler Event handler for the StatusingAssignmentWorkData Setting pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingHistoryDeletedHandler Event handler for the StatusingHistory Deleted post-event.
Public delegate StatusingHistoryDeletingHandler Event handler for the StatusingHistory Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingStatusSubmitingHandler
Public delegate StatusingStatusSubmittedHandler Event handler for the StatusingStatus Submitted post-event.
Public delegate StatusingStatusUpdatedHandler Event handler for the StatusingStatus Updated post-event.
Public delegate StatusingStatusUpdatingHandler Event handler for the StatusingStatus Updating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusingTaskCreatedHandler Event handler for the StatusingTask Created post-event.
Public delegate StatusingTaskCreatingHandler Event handler for the StatusingTask Creating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsRequestCreatedHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsRequest Created post-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsRequestCreatingHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsRequest Creating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsRequestUpdatedHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsRequest Updated post-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsRequestUpdatingHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsRequest Updating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsResponseCreatedHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsResponse Created post-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsResponseCreatingHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsResponse Creating pre-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsResponseUpdatedHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsResponse Updated post-event.
Public delegate StatusReportsResponseUpdatingHandler Event handler for the StatusReportsResponse Updating pre-event.
Public delegate TimesheetCreatedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetCreatingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetDeletedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetDeletingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetLineApprovedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetLineApprovingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetRecalledHandler
Public delegate TimesheetRecallingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetReviewedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetReviewingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetSubmittedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetSubmittingHandler
Public delegate TimesheetUpdatedHandler
Public delegate TimesheetUpdatingHandler
Public delegate UserDelegationActivatedHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Activated post-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationActivatingHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Activating pre-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationChangedHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Changed post-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationChangingHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Changing pre-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationCreatedHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Created post-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationCreatingHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Creating pre-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationDeactivatedHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Deactivated post-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationDeactivatingHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Deactivating pre-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationDeletedHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Deleted post-event.
Public delegate UserDelegationDeletingHandler Event handler for the UserDelegation Deleting pre-event.
Public delegate WorkflowCompletedHandler Event handler for the Workflow Completed post-event.
Public delegate WorkflowProjectTypeChangedHandler Event handler for the WorkflowProjectType Changed post-event.
Public delegate WorkflowProjectTypeChangingHandler Event handler for the WorkflowProjectType Changing pre-event.
Public delegate WorkflowRunningHandler Event handler for the Workflow Running pre-event.
Public delegate WorkflowStageEnteredHandler Event handler for the WorkflowStage Entered post-event.
Public delegate WorkflowStartedHandler Event handler for the Workflow Started post-event.
Public delegate WssInteropWssWorkspaceCreatedHandler Event handler for the WssInteropWssWorkspace Created post-event.
Public delegate WssInteropWssWorkspaceCreatingHandler Event handler for the WssInteropWssWorkspace Creating pre-event.

See Also


Other Resources

How to: Write and Debug a Project Server Event Handler