Creating Data Adapters

Data adapters define the means by which you can get information from one or more tables in the data source into a dataset and back again. For an overview, see Introduction to Data Adapters.


In the previous version of Visual Studio, data adapters were used for communicating between an application and a database. While data adapters are still a main component of .NET Framework Data Providers (ADO.NET), TableAdapters are designer-generated components that simplify the process of moving data between your application and a database. For more information on working with TableAdapters, see TableAdapter Overview.

In This Section

See Also


What's New in Data

Populating a DataSet from a DataAdapter (ADO.NET)

Creating Data Applications by Using Visual Studio

Other Resources

Getting Started with Data Access

Data Walkthroughs

DataAdapters and DataReaders (ADO.NET)