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Search Page 

This topic has been updated for Visual Studio 2005 SP1.

Use this page to search the product documentation and Microsoft Partner sites for information. To access this page, choose Search from the Help menu.

Security noteSecurity Note

Microsoft does not guarantee or endorse search results provided by third-parties, such as Codezone Community participants. Use caution when downloading and installing components from online sources.

  • <search box>
    Enter a word or phrase to search all text or select a previous search string from the drop-down list.
  • Search
    Starts the search based on the search expression you provided. By default, the search expression is applied to all of the text within all of the topics that are included in the scope of the current filter. Searches return a maximum of 500 matches.
  • <filter area>
    Allows you to narrow your search results by selecting options in the Language, Technology, and Content Type categories.


    Topics that do not use these categories to define their topics are excluded from the search even if the content in those topics does match your search query. Choose Unfiltered to search all topics.

    If your product includes pre-defined search filters, additional Help might appear below.

    Help Filters for Visual Studio

  • Language
    Lists the programming languages, such as C#, available to filter your search.
  • Technology
    Lists technologies, such as .NET Framework and Office Development, available to filter your search.
  • Content Type
    Lists content types for topics, such as Contains Code and How-Tos, available to filter your search.

Search Results

The following table has been updated for Visual Studio 2005 SP1.

Use this section to review the list of topics, technical articles, and other information returned from a search. For each result, an abstract, source, and other information is displayed.


You can choose not to display abstracts for search results in General, Help, Options Dialog Box.

  • Searched for: <query>
    A list of results that meet your search criteria found in the selected Help source, such as Local Help or Questions.
  • Sort by
    Specifies the criteria that results are sorted by. The default options available might not apply to all types of results. Available sorting criteria for a result is listed below the abstract for each item.

    For example, search results from Local Help do not include Topic Date or Rating, so selecting either of these options will not affect the order in which results are displayed for Local Help.

  • Descending or Ascending
    Ascending sorts the results from A-Z for the Sort by criteria selected.

    Descending sorts the results from Z-A for the Sort by criteria selected.

  • Source
    The physical source of the results, such as Local Help and MSDN Online. Choosing a source displays the search results for that source. You can change the sources searched and the order in which source results are displayed in Online, Help, Options Dialog Box.


       If you connect to the Internet through a proxy server, and that proxy server requires that you are authenticated, a message might appear in the search results for Online Help providers requesting you to manually enter your user name and password. Once you have entered this information, you will be able to access results from these providers.

See Also


How to: Find Topics with Sample Code
How to: Search for Words or Phrases in Topics
How to: Customize Search Results


Full-Text Search Tips