Security in Device Projects
Security enabled devices restrict the installation and execution of applications and access to system APIs and resources, based on security configuration settings. All Windows Mobile platforms such as Classic, Standard, Professional, Pocket PC, and Smartphone are security enabled. In order for applications to install and run correctly on these devices, you may have to change the device's security configuration, add a certificate to the device's certificate store, and/or sign your application by using the appropriate certificate. This section includes topics that explain how to set up your application to run on devices with different security models.
Configuring Security on Windows Mobile Devices
Describes security configuration settings on Windows Mobile devices and how to configure those settings.Application Signing (Devices)
Describes how to sign device applications during development and release to public.How to: Import and Apply Certificates in Device Projects
Describes how to use the Visual Studio environment to locate and apply certificates.
Security (C# Programming Guide)
Describes some common issues that are related to security for C# developers.Security and Visual Basic Development
Describes some common issues that are related to security for Visual Basic developers.Security Best Practices for C++
Describes some common issues that are related to security for Visual C++ developers.Security in the .NET Compact Framework
Explains how the security policy of the .NET Compact works for devices.