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Understanding Validation Results

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The ValidationResults type is a collection of ValidationResult objects. Each ValidationResult object contains a report that includes references to the Validator instance, the object that was validated, and error messages.

The ValidationResults.FindAll method filters a ValidationResult object and eliminates results that do not match the tags provided by the user. This method returns a new ValidationResults object that contains the desired information and leaves the original object unchanged.

The ValidationResults.IsValid property returns True if the validation passed and returns False if the validation failed.

The following table lists the properties of the ValidationResult class.




This property returns True if validation succeeded or False if validation failed.


This is a name that describes the location of the validation result. It contains the name of the member that is associated with the validator. It is null if the validator is defined at the type level.


This is the object that was validated.


This is a message that describes the validation failure.


This is a value supplied by the user as the Tag property of the validator. Typically, it is used for categorization or filtering. The tag can be supplied through the constructor but it is typically set either by using a property in the validation attributes or with configuration.


This is the object to which the validation rule was applied.


This is the validator that performed the validation.