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TVVMbase Class

The base class from which all iTVVM applications are derived.

  public class TVVMbase : MarshalByRefObject, Microsoft.MediaCenter.Hosting.IAddInModule, ITVVMAddInEntryPoint, Microsoft.MediaCenter.Hosting.IAddInEntryPoint, IDisposable


Public Instance Methods

Method Description
TVVMbase Initializes a new instance of the TVVMbase class.
Dispose Performs the tasks associated with freeing, releasing, and resetting resources.
Exit Starts the shutdown process and ends the lifetime of the iTVVM application.
Initialize Required by AddInModule. This can be replaced in the derived class for custom initialization. For more information, see IAddInModule.Initialize.
InvalidateDataSource Called when the IiTvDataSource pointer is invalid and tells the application to reaquire a new pointer. This should be overridden if the derived application uses IiTvDataSource.
Launch Required by IAddInEntryPoint. This should not be replaced in the derived class because this controls the lifetime and does the required initialization for iTVVM applications.
Uninitialize Required by AddInModule. This can be replaced in the derived class for custom uninitialization. For more information, see IAddInModule.Uninitialize.

Protected Instance Methods

Method Description
CleanUp Gives the derived application a place to perform the cleanup work. This should be overridden in the derived class.
Dispose Performs the tasks associated with freeing, releasing, and resetting resources. This is part of the standard dispose pattern. This method can be overridden for the derived class that is disposing of managed and unmanaged resources.
Launch Gives the derived application a place to perform the initialization work. This method should be overridden in the derived class.

Public Instance Properties

Property Description
OverlaySurface Gets an OverlaySurface object.
Session Gets a PlaybackSession object.
StreamSelector Gets a StreamSelector object.
Tuning Gets a Tuning object.
VideoSurface Gets a VideoSurface object.

Protected Instance Fields

Field Description
_addinHost The AddinHost member passed to the IAddInEntryPoint.Launch method. For more information, see the AddinHost class.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.TVVM

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.ITVVM.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also