RemoteResourceStatus Enumeration

Contains values that indicate the result of processing a data access request to a remote resource.

  public enum RemoteResourceStatus
Value Description
Complete The response has been sucessfully processed.
Error An error occurred.
ErrorAborted An error occurred and the request has been stopped.
ErrorBaseMax The maximum value used by the base RemoteResource class for error codes. Derived classes can generate their own error codes above this value.
ErrorCodelessLockdown The remote resource request violates MCML codeless lockdown rules enforcing Same Origin Policy.
ErrorMappings An error occurred in the data mapping.
ErrorParsing An error occurred while  parsing the response.
ErrorRequest An error occurred while submitting the request.
ErrorRequestDocument An error occurred in the request document.
ErrorRequestHeaders An error occurred in the request headers.
ErrorRequestScheme An error occurred in the request scheme.
ErrorRequestSecurity An error occurred in the request security.
ErrorRequestUri An error occurred in the URI to the remote resource.
ErrorResponse An error occurred in the response or authentication failed.
ErrorResponseRedirect An error occurred while redirecting the response.
Initialized The data request has been created but has not yet been processed.
ParsingData The response is being processed.
RequestingData The data request is being submitted.


Reference: Microsoft.MediaCenter

Namespace: Microsoft.MediaCenter.DataAccess

Assembly: Microsoft.MediaCenter.dll

Platform: Windows 7

See Also