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Text Attribute Identifiers

This section describes the named constants used to identify text attributes of a Microsoft UI Automation text range.


  • UIA_AnimationStyleAttributeId (40000)
    Identifies the AnimationStyle text attribute, which specifies the type of animation applied to the text. This attribute is specified as a value from the AnimationStyle enumerated type. The AnimationStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is AnimationStyle_None.
  • UIA_BackgroundColorAttributeId (40001)
    Identifies the BackgroundColor text attribute, which specifies the background color of the text. This attribute is specified as a COLORREF; a 32-bit value used to specify an RGB color. The BackgroundColor attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_BulletStyleAttributeId (40002)
    Identifies the BulletStyle text attribute, which specifies the style of bullets used in the text range. This attribute is specified as a value from the BulletStyle enumerated type. The BulletStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is BulletStyle_None.
  • UIA_CapStyleAttributeId (40003)
    Identifies the CapStyle text attribute, which specifies the capitalization style for the text. This attribute is specified as a value from the CapStyle enumerated type. The CapStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is CapStyle_None.
  • UIA_CultureAttributeId (40004)
    Identifies the Culture text attribute, which specifies the locale of the text by locale identifier (LCID). The Culture attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is the locale of the application UI.
  • UIA_FontNameAttributeId (40005)
    Identifies the FontName text attribute, which specifies the name of the font. Examples in include "Arial Black" and "Arial Narrow". The font name string is not localized. The FontName attribute has a variant type of VT_BSTR; the default value is an empty string.
  • UIA_FontSizeAttributeId (40006)
    Identifies the FontSize text attribute, which specifies the point size of the font. The FontSize attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_FontWeightAttributeId (400007)
    Identifies the FontWeight text attribute, which specifies the relative stroke, thickness, or boldness of the font. The FontWeight attribute is modeled after the lfWeight member of the GDI LOGFONT structure, and can be one of the following values: 0=DontCare, 100=Thin, 200=ExtraLight or UltraLight, 300=Light, 400=Normal or Regular, 500=Medium, 600=SemiBold, 700=Bold, 800=ExtraBold or UltraBold, 900=Heavy or Black. The FontWeight attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_ForegroundColorAttributeId (40008)
    Identifies the ForegroundColor text attribute, which specifies the foreground color of the text. This attribute is specified as a COLORREF, a 32-bit value used to specify an RGB color. The ForegroundColor attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_HorizontalTextAlignmentAttributeId (40009)
    Identifies the HorizontalTextAlignment text attribute, which specifies how the text is aligned horizontally. This attribute is specified as a value from the HorizontalTextAlignmentEnum enumerated type. The HorizontalTextAlignment attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is HorizontalTextAlignment_Left.
  • UIA_IndentationFirstLineAttributeId (40010)
    Identifies the IndentationFirstLine text attribute, which specifies how far, in points, to indent the first line of a paragraph. The IndentationFirstLine attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_IndentationLeadingAttributeId (40011)
    Identifies the IndentationLeading text attribute, which specifies the leading indentation, in points. The IndentationLeading attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_IndentationTrailingAttributeId (40012)
    Identifies the IndentationTrailing text attribute, which specifies the trailing indentation, in points. The IndentationTrailing attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_IsHiddenAttributeId (40013)
    Identifies the IsHidden text attribute, which indicates whether the text is hidden (TRUE) or visible (FALSE). The IsHidden attribute has a variant type of VT_BOOL; the default value is FALSE.
  • UIA_IsItalicAttributeId (40014)
    Identifies the IsItalic text attribute, which indicates whether the text is italicized (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The IsItalic attribute has a variant type of VT_BOOL; the default value is FALSE.
  • UIA_IsReadOnlyAttributeId (40015)
    Identifies the IsReadOnly text attribute, which indicates whether the text is read-only (TRUE) or can be modified (FALSE). The IsReadOnly attribute has a variant type of VT_BOOL; the default value is FALSE.
  • UIA_IsSubscriptAttributeId (40016)
    Identifies the IsSubscript text attribute, which indicates whether the text is subscript (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The IsSubscript attribute has a variant type of VT_BOOL; the default value is FALSE.
  • UIA_IsSuperscriptAttributeId (40017)
    Identifies the IsSuperscript text attribute, which indicates whether the text is subscript (TRUE) or not (FALSE). The IsSuperscript attribute has a variant type of VT_BOOL; the default value is FALSE.
  • UIA_MarginBottomAttributeId (40018)
    Identifies the MarginBottom text attribute, which specifies the size, in points, of the bottom margin applied to the page associated with the text range. The MarginBottom attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_MarginLeadingAttributeId (40019)
    Identifies the MarginLeading text attribute, which specifies the size, in points, of the leading margin applied to the page associated with the text range. The MarginLeading attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_MarginTopAttributeId (40020)
    Identifies the MarginTop text attribute, which specifies the size, in points, of the top margin applied to the page associated with the text range. The MarginTop attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_MarginTrailingAttributeId (40021)
    Identifies the MarginTrailing text attribute, which specifies the size, in points, of the trailing margin applied to the page associated with the text range. The MarginTrailing attribute has a variant type of VT_R8; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_OutlineStylesAttributeId (40022)
    Identifies the OutlineStyles text attribute, which specifies the outline style of the text. This attribute is specified as a value from the OutlineStyles enumerated type. The OutlineStyles attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is OutlineStyles_None.
  • UIA_OverlineColorAttributeId (40023)
    Identifies the OverlineColor text attribute, which specifies the color of the overline text decoration. This attribute is specified as a COLORREF, a 32-bit value used to specify an RGB color. The OverlineColor attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_OverlineStyleAttributeId (40024)
    Identifies the OverlineStyle text attribute, which specifies the style of the overline text decoration. This attribute is specified as a value from the TextDecorationLineStyleEnum enumerated type. The OverlineStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is TextDecorationLineStyle_None.
  • UIA_StrikethroughColorAttributeId (40025)
    Identifies the StrikethroughColor text attribute, which specifies the color of the strikethrough text decoration. This attribute is specified as a COLORREF, a 32-bit value used to specify an RGB color. The StrikethroughColor attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_StrikethroughStyleAttributeId (40026)
    Identifies the StrikethroughStyle text attribute, which specifies the style of the strikethrough text decoration. This attribute is specified as a value from the TextDecorationLineStyleEnum enumerated type. The StrikethroughStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is TextDecorationLineStyle_None.
  • UIA_TabsAttributeId (40027)
    Identifies the Tabs text attribute, which is an array specifying the tab stops for the text range. Each array element specifies a distance, in points, from the leading margin. The Tabs attribute has a variant type of VT_ARRAY|VT_R8; the default value is an empty array.
  • UIA_TextFlowDirectionsAttributeId (40028)
    Identifies the TextFlowDirections text attribute, which specifies the direction of text flow. This attribute is specified as a combination of values from the FlowDirections enumerated type. The TextFlowDirections attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is FlowDirections_Default.
  • UIA_UnderlineColorAttributeId (40029)
    Identifies the UnderlineColor text attribute, which specifies the color of the underline text decoration. This attribute is specified as a COLORREF, a 32-bit value used to specify an RGB color. The UnderlineColor attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is 0.
  • UIA_UnderlineStyleAttributeId (40030)
    Identifies the UnderlineStyle text attribute, which specifies the style of the underline text decoration. This attribute is specified as a value from the TextDecorationLineStyleEnum enumerated type. The UnderlineStyle attribute has a variant type of VT_I4; the default value is TextDecorationLineStyle_None.

See Also

IUIAutomationTextRange::GetAttributeValue, IUIAutomationTextRange::FindAttribute, ITextRangeProvider::GetAttributeValue, ITextRangeProvider::FindAttribute, UI Automation Text Pattern Overview