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The following are requirements for building and running the protocol handler sample.


In order to understand and make full use of this sample you should be familiar with:

  • C++ Programming Language
  • Component****Object Model (COM) programming techniques
  • Essentials of constructing and registering a dynamic-link library (DLL)
    • Knowledge of Microsoft® SharePoint™ Portal Server 2001
  • Microsoft Visual Studio® or a similar development environment
  • Microsoft Platform SDK

You must install the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) to build this sample. You must set the environment so that the Platform SDK is in the main path for applications on your system. You must also set environment variables to store the path to the Include and Lib directories to be able to build this sample.


SharePoint Portal Server SDK and library files must appear before the Platform SDK files in the Include and Lib directories.

You can do this through the Control Panel or issue the following commands from a command prompt.

To set the system path through the command prompt:

set PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin;%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin\winnt;%PATH%

Set the Include path:

set INCLUDE=..\..\..\..\include;%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\Include;%INCLUDE%

Set the Lib path:

set LIB=..\..\..\..\lib;%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Platform SDK\Lib;%LIB%


The directories listed may change depending on your installation of the Platform SDK. Confirm the location of the Platform SDK when setting this path value. If you want these environment variables to be set permanently on your system, you should make the above path changes through the Control Panel.