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Projects Table

The Projects table stores information about all the SharePoint team Web sites or projects on the server. There is one entry in this table for every collaboration Web on the server.

The following table indicates the fields and data types that are used in the Projects table.

Column Name Data Type Description
tp_ID Counter Primary key of the project. Uniquely identifies each Web site inside the database.
tp_WebRef Integer Specifies the URL of the team Web site's root (a lookup to the DocMd table).
tp_Name Text The name of the project embedded in URLs to identify which lists to load. The name never changes and must be unique in the database.

Note   If the Web site name is not unique, a number is appended to the name to make it unique, for example, myweb1, myweb2, and so forth.

tp_Title Text The title of the project displayed on the home page, which the user can edit.
tp_Modified DateTime The date and time that the project was most recently modified.
tp_Created DateTime The date and time the project was created.
tp_Version Integer The version number of the row that is used for concurrency checking to make sure users don't overwrite each other's changes.
tp_Description Note The description of the project displayed on the home page.
tp_HomePageID Integer The URL of the home page, which is a lookup to the URLs (DocMd) table.

See Also

Overview of the SharePoint Team Services Database

List Data Types

Using SQL with the SharePoint Team Services Database