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EraseOptions Enumeration

Defines values to indicate which regions of the flash memory should be erased.

Namespace: Microsoft.NetMicroFramework.Tools.MFDeployTool.Engine
Assembly: (in )


public enum EraseOptions


  Member name Description
Deployment Indicates that the deployment area of the flash memory should be erased.
UserStorage Indicates that the user storage areas of the flash memory should be erased.
Logging Indicates that the log storage area of the flash memory should be erased.


There are two user storage areas in the flash memory device. UserStorage refers to both of these areas.

The values of this enumeration may be combined using a bitwise OR operation, as in EraseOptions.Deployment | EraseOptions.UserStorage, to specify more than one option.

Version Information

Available in MFDeploy version 1.0

See Also