
Baseline 2023
Newly available

Since March 2023, this feature works across the latest devices and browser versions. This feature might not work in older devices or browsers.

The outline CSS shorthand property sets most of the outline properties in a single declaration.

Try it

outline: solid;
outline: dashed red;
outline: 1rem solid;
outline: thick double #32a1ce;
outline: 8px ridge rgba(170, 50, 220, 0.6);
border-radius: 2rem;
<section class="default-example" id="default-example">
  <div class="transition-all" id="example-element">
    This is a box with an outline around it.
#example-element {
  padding: 0.75rem;
  width: 80%;
  height: 100px;

Constituent properties

This property is a shorthand for the following CSS properties:


/* style */
outline: solid;

/* style | color */
outline: dashed #f66;

/* width | style */
outline: thick inset;

/* width | style | color*/
outline: 3px solid green;

/* Global values */
outline: inherit;
outline: initial;
outline: revert;
outline: revert-layer;
outline: unset;

The outline property may be specified using one, two, or three of the values listed below. The order of the values does not matter. As with all shorthand properties, any omitted sub-values will be set to their initial value.

Note: The outline will be invisible for many elements if its style is not defined. This is because the style defaults to none. A notable exception is input elements, which are given default styling by browsers.



Sets the thickness of the outline. Defaults to medium if absent. See outline-width.


Sets the style of the outline. Defaults to none if absent. See outline-style.


Sets the color of the outline. Defaults to invert for browsers supporting it, currentcolor for the others. See outline-color.


Outline is a line outside of the element's border. Unlike other areas of the box, outlines don't take up space, so they don't affect the layout of the document in any way.

There are a few properties that affect an outline's appearance. It is possible to change the style, color, and width using the outline property, the distance from the border using the outline-offset property, and corner angles using the border-radius property.

An outline is not required to be rectangular: While dealing with multiline text, some browsers will draw an outline for each line box separately, while others will wrap the whole text with a single outline.


Assigning outline a value of 0 or none will remove the browser's default focus style. If an element can be interacted with it must have a visible focus indicator. Provide obvious focus styling if the default focus style is removed.

Formal definition

Initial valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
Applies toall elements
Computed valueas each of the properties of the shorthand:
  • outline-width: an absolute length; if the keyword none is specified, the computed value is 0
  • outline-style: as specified
  • outline-color: For the keyword auto, the computed value is currentcolor. For the color value, if the value is translucent, the computed value will be the rgba() corresponding one. If it isn't, it will be the rgb() corresponding one. The transparent keyword maps to rgba(0,0,0,0).
Animation typeas each of the properties of the shorthand:

Formal syntax

outline = 
<'outline-width'> ||
<'outline-style'> ||

<outline-width> =

<outline-style> =
auto |

<outline-color> =
auto |
<color> |

<line-width> =
<length [0,∞]> |
thin |
medium |

<image-1D> =

<stripes()> =
stripes( <color-stripe># )

<color-stripe> =
<color> &&
[ <length-percentage> | <flex> ]?

<length-percentage> =
<length> |


Using outline to set a focus style


<a href="#">This link has a special focus style.</a>


a {
  border: 1px solid;
  border-radius: 3px;
  display: inline-block;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 5px;

a:focus {
  outline: 4px dotted #e73;
  outline-offset: 4px;
  background: #ffa;



CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4
# outline

Browser compatibility

Report problems with this compatibility data on GitHub
Chrome Android
Firefox for Android
Opera Android
Safari on iOS
Samsung Internet
WebView Android
WebView on iOS


Tip: you can click/tap on a cell for more information.

Full support
Full support
Partial support
Partial support
Requires a vendor prefix or different name for use.
Has more compatibility info.

See also