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Silverlight Programming Models

When using a Silverlight programming model, you can choose one of three programming model variations: JavaScript interpreted by the browser, managed code, or dynamic languages interpreted by the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR). Browser-interpreted JavaScript was the programming model available in Silverlight version 1.0. For this documentation, and for Silverlight version 2 in general, the emphasis for programming for a Silverlight-based application is on the managed code programming model, because it is the most complete programming model.

This topic contains the following sections.

  • The Silverlight Programming Model

The Silverlight Programming Model

The Silverlight programming model defines its set of objects as object trees that enable you to populate the initial content of a Silverlight-based application by loading XAML, and then adjust the object tree at run time. The Silverlight object tree is exposed through the Silverlight plug-in, which you create as a plug-in instance on a Web page. Silverlight uses the ActiveX plug-in model for Microsoft Internet Explorer, and uses the Netscape API plug-in model for other browsers.