New to Windows Server 2008 SDK

The following table lists Windows Server 2008 samples as well as samples new to this release of the Windows SDK. They are installed under the Samples folder in the following path:

\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v6.1\Samples

For build instructions and additional information about the samples, see the Readme.txt files and other documents in the sample folders.



Location (under Samples)

WinSDKVer Button

Provides a way to exercise the new WinSDKVer.h in the Windows SDK. The implementation of the split button will change based on the version of Windows specified by MAXWINVER in code.


COM Elevation Moniker Sample for User Account Control

Demonstrates the usage of the COM Elevation moniker. It shows the correct usage of the elevation moniker and also provides an example of when using ShellExecute is a better option. The moniker is demonstrated through a simple Registration GUI that provides similar functionality to regsvr32.exe and also allows registering self-registration executables.


Source for TopoEdit for Media Foundation

Shows how to create and work with topologies in media foundation, as well as how to handle basic playback.


Network Access Protection Sample

Demonstrates NAP System Health Agent, NAP System Health Validator, NAP SHV Configuration UI, and a NAP Enforcement Client.


Certificate Services Exit Module Sample

Provides the source code to build a sample Exit Module for use with an Active Directory Certificate Services Certification Authority.


Certificate Services Policy Module Sample

Provides the source code to build a sample Policy Module for use with an Active Directory Certificate Services Certification Authority (CA).


WSDAPI FileService sample

Demonstrates advanced WSDAPI code generation and service messaging (inc. attachments and eventing)


WSDAPI StockQuote sample

Demonstrates basic WSDAPI code generation and service messaging.


Windows Deployment Services Sample - Filter Provider

Demonstrates how to create a DLL that can replace or run in conjunction with the existing PXE Provider, BINL, on a Windows Deployment Services server. The sample provider uses a text file as its data store.


Windows Deployment Services Client API Image Enumeration Sample

Uses the Windows Deployment Services Client library, which can be leveraged as part of a custom client application that takes the place of the Windows Deployment Services Client. This allows for a customized client solution that still leverages a Windows Deployment Services server as the back end.


Windows Deployment Services Transport Management API Sample

Illustrates using the Windows Deployment Services (WDS) Transport Management API (WdsTptMgmt) to manage a WDS Transport Server.


WDS Multicast Content Consumer Sample

Demonstrates how to use a custom content consumer to transfer and save a file over multicast via WDS.


WDS Content Provider Sample

Demonstrates a simple content provider that allows the WDS multicast server to transport files off the local disk.


Windows Deployment Services Sample - Sample Provider

Demonstrates how to create a DLL that can replace or run in conjunction with the existing PXE Provider, BINL, on a Windows Deployment Services server. The sample provider uses a text file as its data store.


Function Discovery Provider Sample

Demonstrates how to develop a Function Discovery Provider.


PnP-X Simple Thermostat Sample

Demonstrates an end-to-end scenario using PnP-X. It includes device samples using UPnP and WSD, a driver to install the devices in PnP, proxies to talk with the devices, and a client application that uses the devices through the proxies.



Demonstrates many of the features for SAPI 5 in a single coherent application. It is not a full featured speech-enabled application, although the foundations of many options are present.


Sample Speech Recognition Engine

Demonstrates the design, compilation, installation, and testing for engines. This sample engine implements some functionality of an SR engine and can be created and used in applications, but it does not actually perform any recognition, instead generating valid, but random, results.


Simple Telephony

Demonstrates Simple Telephony, a speech recognition (SR) and text-to-speech (TTS) application that uses telephony (TAPI) interfaces. It is intended for use with a phone system, allowing users to dial in and talk to Simple Telephony.



Helps developers write custom audio objects to direct audio data from TAPI Terminal objects to SAPI for speech recognition (SR) and vice versa for text-to-speech (TTS). The object does not generate or consume any audio data. Instead, it works as an audio buffer manager.


TTS Application

Allows developers to hear the resulting audio output from the TTS process for text entered in the main window. Alternatively, developers can open a file, and TtsApplication will speak the contents of that file. Each word is highlighted in the text window to indicate the current TTS processing position.


Coffee Shop Tutorial

Demonstrates how to speech-enable a fictional coffee shop in a series of samples. The samples are intended to demonstrate adding speech recognition to an application with progressively complex features.


WerReportAddDump Code Sample

Demonstrates how to add a dump to a Generic Error Report sent by Windows Error Reporting


WerReportAddFile Code Sample

Demonstrates how to add a file to a Generic Error Report sent by Windows Error Reporting


WerReportSetUIOption Code Sample

Demonstrates how to customize the Windows Error Reporting UI using the APIs provided.


Windows Search Crawl Scope Manager (CSM)

Demonstrates how to interact with the crawl scope manager in Windows Search for Vista as well as Windows Desktop Search in Windows XP® or Windows Server 2003.


Windows Search Command Line Utility

Demonstrates how to query the Windows Search index like FINDSTR /S and DIR /S


IFilter Sample

Implements a sample IFilter for a fictitious file format .FOO, which is actually an XML file.


Windows Search Reindex Tool

Builds a tool that allows developers to reindex files on demand.


Windows Search From a Script

Demonstrates how to query Windows Search or Windows Desktop Search from a vbs file.


Windows Search with OleDB

Demonstrates how to query Windows Search or Windows Desktop Search using OleDB and C++


Windows Search with OleDB and C#

Demonstrates how to query Windows Search and Windows Desktop Search using OleDB and C#
