Component Hierarchy
The following table lists the classes derived from System.ComponentModel.Component .
Class | Description |
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System.CodeDom.Compiler.CodeDomProvider | Provides a base class for CodeDomProvider implementations. This class is abstract. |
System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorker | Executes an operation on a separate thread. |
System.Configuration.Install.Installer | Provides the foundation for custom installations. |
System.Data.Common.DataAdapter | Represents a set of SQL commands and a database connection that are used to fill the DataSet and update the data source. |
System.Data.Common.DbCommand | Represents an SQL statement or stored procedure to execute against a data source. Provides a base class for database-specific classes that represent commands. |
System.Data.Common.DbCommandBuilder | Automatically generates single-table commands used to reconcile changes made to a DataSet with the associated database. This is an abstract class that can only be inherited. |
System.Data.Common.DbConnection | Represents a connection to a database. |
System.Diagnostics.EventLog | Provides interaction with Windows event logs. |
System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntry | Encapsulates a single record in the event log. This class cannot be inherited. |
System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter | Represents a Windows NT performance counter component. |
System.Diagnostics.Process | Provides access to local and remote processes and enables you to start and stop local system processes. |
System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule | Represents a.dll or .exe file that is loaded into a particular process. |
System.Diagnostics.ProcessThread | Represents an operating system process thread. |
System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry | The DirectoryEntry class encapsulates a node or object in the Active Directory Domain Services hierarchy. |
System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher | Performs queries against Active Directory Domain Services. |
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument | Defines a reusable object that sends output to a printer, when printing from a Windows Forms application. |
System.IO.FileSystemWatcher | Listens to the file system change notifications and raises events when a directory, or file in a directory, changes. |
System.IO.Ports.SerialPort | Represents a serial port resource. |
System.Management.ManagementBaseObject | Contains the basic elements of a management object. It serves as a base class to more specific management object classes. |
System.Management.ManagementEventWatcher | Subscribes to temporary event notifications based on a specified event query. |
System.Management.ManagementObjectSearcher | Retrieves a collection of management objects based on a specified query. This class is one of the more commonly used entry points to retrieving management information. For example, it can be used to enumerate all disk drives, network adapters, processes and many more management objects on a system, or to query for all network connections that are up, services that are paused, and so on. When instantiated, an instance of this class takes as input a WMI query represented in an ObjectQuery or its derivatives, and optionally a ManagementScope representing the WMI namespace to execute the query in. It can also take additional advanced options in an EnumerationOptions. When the Get method on this object is invoked, the ManagementObjectSearcher executes the given query in the specified scope and returns a collection of management objects that match the query in a ManagementObjectCollection. |
System.Media.SoundPlayer | Controls playback of a sound from a .wav file. |
System.Messaging.Message | Provides access to the properties needed to define a Message Queuing message. |
System.Messaging.MessageQueue | Provides access to a queue on a Message Queuing server. |
System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping | Allows an application to determine whether a remote computer is accessible over the network. |
System.Net.WebClient | Provides common methods for sending data to and receiving data from a resource identified by a URI. |
System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.RemotingClientProxy | The abstract base class for proxies to well-known objects that were generated by the Soapsuds Tool (Soapsuds.exe). |
System.Runtime.Remoting.Services.RemotingService | Provides the base implementation for the remoting XML Web services. |
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase | Provides a base class for a service that will exist as part of a service application. ServiceBase must be derived from when creating a new service class. |
System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController | Represents a Windows service and allows you to connect to a running or stopped service, manipulate it, or get information about it. |
System.Timers.Timer | Generates recurring events in an application. |
System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol | Specifies the base class for all XML Web service client proxies created using ASP.NET. |
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Style | Represents the style of a Web server control. |
System.Windows.Forms.BindingSource | Encapsulates the data source for a form. |
System.Windows.Forms.ColumnHeader | Displays a single column header in a ListView control. |
System.Windows.Forms.CommonDialog | Specifies the base class used for displaying dialog boxes on the screen. |
System.Windows.Forms.Control | Defines the base class for controls, which are components with visual representation. |
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridColumnStyle | Specifies the appearance, text formatting, and behavior of a System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid control column. This class is abstract. |
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridTableStyle | Represents the table drawn by the System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid control at run time. |
System.Windows.Forms.Design.FolderNameEditor.FolderBrowser | Represents a dialog box that allows the user to choose a folder. This class cannot be inherited. |
System.Windows.Forms.ErrorProvider | Provides a user interface for indicating that a control on a form has an error associated with it. |
System.Windows.Forms.HelpProvider | Provides pop-up or online Help for controls. |
System.Windows.Forms.ImageList | Provides methods to manage a collection of Image objects. This class cannot be inherited. |
System.Windows.Forms.Menu | Represents the base functionality for all menus. Although ToolStripDropDown and ToolStripDropDownMenu replace and add functionality to the Menu control of previous versions, Menu is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose. |
System.Windows.Forms.NotifyIcon | Specifies a component that creates an icon in the notification area. This class cannot be inherited. |
System.Windows.Forms.StatusBarPanel | Represents a panel in a StatusBar control. Although the StatusStrip control replaces and adds functionality to the StatusBar control of previous versions, StatusBar is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose. |
System.Windows.Forms.Timer | Implements a timer that raises an event at user-defined intervals. This timer is optimized for use in Windows Forms applications and must be used in a window. |
System.Windows.Forms.ToolBarButton | Represents a Windows toolbar button. Although ToolStripButton replaces and extends the ToolBarButton control of previous versions, ToolBarButton is retained for both backward compatibility and future use if you choose. |
System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripItem | Represents the abstract base class that manages events and layout for all the elements that a ToolStrip or ToolStripDropDown can contain. |
System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripPanelRow | Represents a row of a ToolStripPanel that can contain controls. |
System.Windows.Forms.ToolTip | Represents a small rectangular pop-up window that displays a brief description of a control's purpose when the user rests the pointer on the control. |
Component Class
Component Members
System.ComponentModel Namespace