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Setting the Weight on Interpolations

The Weight attribute (for EaseIn, EaseOut, Exp, Log, and SCurve types) controls the blending between your specified interpolation type and a Linear interpolation. Weight is specified as a percentage, where 1 indicates 100%. A value of 1 has no effect on the interpolation. A weight of 0 produces the same effect as if you were using a Linear interpolation (0% of the interpolation type). Values greater than 1 create a more extreme curve of your specified interpolation type. 

The following example shows how the Weight attribute affects an animation that transitions between position keyframes using an Exp interpolation.

<Mcml xmlns="">

  <UI Name="InterpolationWeight">

        <Layout >
          <FlowLayout Orientation="Horizontal" Spacing="0,50" ItemAlignment="Center" />

            <Layout >
              <FlowLayout Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="50,0" ItemAlignment="Center" />

              <Text Color="Red" Content="Linear" />
              <Text Color="Red" Content="Exp, weight 0.2" />
              <Text Color="Red" Content="Exp, weight 1 (default)" />
              <Text Color="Red" Content="Exp, weight 2" />
              <Text Color="Red" Content="Exp, weight 4" />



            <Layout >
              <FlowLayout Orientation="Vertical" Spacing="0,50" ItemAlignment="Center" />


              <!-- Display the same animation with different values for weight. -->
              <Graphic Name="AnimStar0" Content="file://GreenStar.PNG">
                  <Animation Loop="-1">
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="0.0" Value="-275,0,0" Interpolation="Linear" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="2.0" Value=" 275,0,0" Interpolation="Linear" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="4.0" Value="-275,0,0" />
              <Graphic Name="AnimStar1" Content="file://GreenStar.PNG">
                  <Animation Loop="-1">
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="0.0" Value="-275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,.2" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="2.0" Value=" 275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,.2" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="4.0" Value="-275,0,0" />

              <Graphic Name="AnimStar2" Content="file://GreenStar.PNG">
                  <Animation Loop="-1">
                      <!-- If weight is not specified, the default value is 1. -->
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="0.0" Value="-275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="2.0" Value=" 275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="4.0" Value="-275,0,0" />

              <Graphic Name="AnimStar3" Content="file://GreenStar.PNG">
                  <Animation Loop="-1">
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="0.0" Value="-275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,2.0" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="2.0" Value=" 275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,2.0" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="4.0" Value="-275,0,0" />

              <Graphic Name="AnimStar4" Content="file://GreenStar.PNG">
                  <Animation Loop="-1">
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="0.0" Value="-275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,4.0" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="2.0" Value=" 275,0,0" Interpolation="Exp,4.0" />
                      <PositionKeyframe Time="4.0" Value="-275,0,0" />


Sample Explorer

  • Animation - Interpolations > all samples

See Also