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Programming Patterns with Platform Object

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The following code example demonstrates the programming pattern using the platform object in Unified Communications Client API. The example shows the following features:

  • Instantiate an IUccPlatform object. An application can obtain the IUccPlatform interface pointer by initiating the UccPlatform co-class. The UccPlatform object is a singleton object. Therefore, repeated attempts to instantiate the platform object always returns the same instance.
  • Optionally, advise the platform of implemented platform event handlers. A platform object can raise various events as defined in the following event interfaces:
  • Initialize the UccPlatform object. The resultant platform object must be initialized (Initialize) before it can be used as the endpoint factory. An attempt to use a non-initialized platform object results in a UCC_E_PLATFORM_NOT_INITIALIZED error message (HRESULT value = 0x80EE0025). For a list of error messages, see Unified Communications Client API Error Messages. The platform object provides two essential functions:
    • Create a SIP endpoint (CreateEndpoint) or proxy endpoint (CreateProxyEndpoint). For more information about endpoints, see Endpoint Object.
    • Shut down the platform (Shutdown). Shutting down the platform is an asynchronous call. A client must implement and register for _IUccPlatformEvents to receive the status of the call in an OnShutdown event.
  • A client application can also choose to handle the media device manager events by advising for and implementing the _IUccMediaDeviceManagerEvents interface, if the application manages media devices. The application can also do so after an IUccMediaDeviceManager interface pointer is obtained.

To review C# examples of this programming pattern, see Creating and Initializing a Platform Object.

See Also


Code Listing: Basic Event Registration and Other Helper Methods in C#