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Comparison of PEL to MDX

PerformancePoint Expression Language (PEL) is a language that is similar to the Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) language. The data on which they both operate resides in multidimensional models (or cubes). For both, the members along the dimensions of each model are organized into hierarchies. Consequently, the two languages have many similarities.

Among the factors that most distinguish PEL from MDX, two are especially significant:

  • PEL supports other types of calculations, especially consolidation.

  • PEL is implemented across other operating systems.

PEL and MDX support different user scenarios. The MDX usage scenario does not easily distinguish between the author of a rule and the user (executor) of a rule. The PEL usage scenario distinguishes between the author and user.

Planning Server is designed to support information workers who are not programmers. PerformancePoint Expression Language, which is the Planning Server language, better isolates the complexities of writing rules to the rule author and from the rule user. This enables a broader audience to create and run business rules.

As part of the separation of rule users and rule authors, PEL implements superior error detection. The PEL compiler detects many errors at compile time that the MDX compiler detects only at run time. This stronger compiler-time error-checking means that more errors can be caught at compile time by the rule author, instead of at run time by the rule executor. This makes it possible for a wider range of users to run rules.

In This Section

Related Sections

  • PEL basics
    Provides a brief summary of PEL features and functions

See Also

Other Resources

Multidimensional Expressions (MDX) Reference on MSDN